Sunday, March 2, 2014

Harmonizing Good

We each have a responsibility to look deep within our lives and see what's working, what's not working, and how we can change our conversations in order to have a positive effect on our surroundings. Many times, we point fingers at others or certain people become scapegoats for our own lack of judgment. Where we need to step up to the game, yet we don't have the courage to say what's in our hearts. Wise decisions and pure intentions that are aligned with universal laws of peace, compassion, unity, and liberty always prevail the lower, hateful, blaming, gossiping conversations that drag us deep into the gutters of our society. For the world to change, we need to change from within. Courageous BEING that leads into pure INTENTION, will result in a kind and justice world where our future generation can live in harmonizing GOOD. ---Dr. Rod.

 Affirmation: " I take responsibility for my inner dialogues, thoughts, words, and ultimately my actions. I open my heart to LOVE and extend gratitude for every blessings in my life. I am available and receptive to more Good than I can imagine coming my way. With courage, I choose to circulate my good for the benefit of the WHOLE"....have a great Sunday.

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