Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Never afraid

Have you ever seen a blind person walking with a guide dog? I'm sure you have. Do me a favor and close your eyes for the next ten seconds and then continue reading this note. Darkness is the lack of light and what we see as reality with our eye perception is most of the time an illusion. You get caught up in your own false belief system, feelings of lack and limitation, fear and mistrust in the world that you have created for yourself. Just like a blind person who is deprived of the beauty of the colored world, the infinite beauty that is out there to experience. However, if you allow yourself and let go of your ego, you too can be guided by your heart, the temple that houses your Soul. Just like a guiding dog who is leading the blind person with full on Trust, you can be led by your Soul through connecting with your heart. It's a very powerful thing to contemplate and space to be. You can see Reality through this vision and experience life at a deeper level without relying on your lying eyes, the mis-representation of old thoughts that have been putting you in your own prison. Open your eyes, take a deep breath, and see the new light of your Soul emanating from the deepest space of your heart, again and again.....Namaste......-Dr. Rod +1 

Affirmation: " I love and trust myself. I am whole, perfect, and complete. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I am available and receptive to more abundance than I've ever imagined before. My life is divine. I am guided and lighted up by the powerful energy of my Soul. In that, I trust and let go. I let go and let God to handle my life. I am grateful and thankful for my existence and just allow it to BE. And so it is, amen...."...have a beautiful day

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