Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Getting Nude

What does getting nude to take a sun bath and pealing an onion to get to the core of it have to do in common? Oh boy!! You'll probably wonder what is this guy thinking so early in the morning. I'm actually not thinking, I'm feeling and my heart chakra is completely open after meditation. To gain awareness, you must loose your Ego. The Ego cause obscurity in your thoughts and tends to form layers of stagnant energy which inhibits light to pass through your being. To get a sun bath, you've got to get nude, otherwise you'll deflect the sun's energy. In every moment of existence, we are going through cycles of birth and death. Death was designed in order for us to experience the transformation from 'NEED' to "NEEDLESS'. Our physical body is in constant need. So is our attachment to it. We get slowly pealed away, layer by layer as we get old. Until there comes the time to get to the root of our being and make the transition. You don't have to wait until the end of your life to experience your essence. Know that you are an eternal being. The illusion of the body creates separation from Oneness. Let go of the negative layers that have blocked you from reaching your Source. Allow the light to sooth your Spiritual Body by trusting yourself and your co-creative relationship with the spirit. We were born naked without No-Thing and we'll go back to our origin, the world of absolute without taking anything with us. The only thing you get to keep is how much love you were able to radiate in this life time. Give it all up and away my friend ....Namaste Dr. Rod +1

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. All of my needs are met. I let go and let life take over my being. I surrender to higher orders of universe and allow the spirit guide me on my path. My destiny is a divine destiny. My heart is full of love, my body is full of energy, and my thoughts are full of positive affirmations. I am peace and joy. I am abundant and prosperous. I am compassionate and kind. I am open and receptive to more miracles showing up in every area of my life. I am available for the instant demonstration of absolute reality in my reality. I choose to be happy. I choose to be successful, and I choose to be peaceful. For this, I am grateful and just allow it to BE,,,,and so it is,,,amen"...have a spectacular day guys

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