Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Your purpose in life

Yesterday I was talking to one of my clients from long distance. She's made great progress since we've been working together. She's always been on the path of Self Realization. Our journey began because of external challenges she was goingthrough that was effecting her internally. Anyways, it's been a great experience for me to grow with her, because each individual I have an honor working with challenges me to be better. I usually enter a conversation without any agenda. I set an intention before a session and allow the spirit to take over me, to guide me for whatever needs to be said and done. I trust the universe to guide me and my client to our highest best, knowing that the source of healing, love, joy, and peace are all from the spirit. I'm simply a vehicle channeling the knowledge and wisdom through the source and transform it according to my own unique pattern, or talent. If you scroll down under this post, you'll see my statement about "Your Mission/Purpose" in life in the previous post. This came about after our session last night and I got inspired to post it for you and have you say your purpose out loud. I am a firm believer that we are all ONE, all connected to each other. Therefore, what is happening locally in my heart and soul, is also happening cosmically. Our conversation led to finding my client's purpose in life. Guiding her to what her Soul's desire is all about. Characterizing each individual Soul qualities as her mission, reflecting and revealing itself according to her unique pattern here on our planet. This is the grand purpose of each of us to Remember who we are, what we are, why we are here, and what we are suppose to Be, then generate our zest for life from that state of BEING into DOING- Creating Heaven on Earth. The most beautiful notion to discover in your life is to align with your purpose and Be it in every moment of your life. Once you are harmonized with your calling, forces in universe synchronize for the fulfillment of your vision. You'll be pulled by a Vision that is grand, that is cosmic, that will serve All humanity. I read all of your comments and I love them all. Thank you for sharing them with me. As I was writing my statement in the comments last night, my soul added a new dimension to my previous purpose statement. I've discovered a deeper aspect of my purpose because of the work I did with my client yesterday. An inner transformation happened within me. Evolving further in each experience, it made me more humble than ever. Here is my purpose statement and I will capitalize my new insight which I've been blessed by: "My purpose in life is to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I intend to heal and change the world. I INTEND TO REVEAL THE FACE OF GOD AS I AM, AS WHO AND WHAT I REALLY AM" ..... And so it is, Amen..." I am beyond GRATEFUL.... Namaste....Dr. Rod..

Affirmation: "I am grateful for all that I AM and all that I have. I am living, moving, and having my BEING in God, in surrender, in peace, and in LOVE"

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