Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Lack of Expression=Depression

Believe me my friend, I've felt it. I felt that despair, the time where you are not really yourself. You've endured so much internal conflict and pressure with yourself that your defense mechanisms all shatter. You are left in darkness. I've been there, seen the darkness, and experienced what it feels like to have lost all hope. Depression is a very unique phenomenon. It grasps anyone and everyone at any stage of their development. You are a three part BEING: physical, mental, and spiritual. Each of these parts play as a whole. There is no separation other than our own unique way of creating separation through the EGO. You have your own way, or mental construct to turn against yourself. Your physical being is always in search for growth. It requires good nourishment, physical activity, and stretching it beyond its average capacity. It needs to be revitalized, cared for, and moved into motion. Anytime you are turning away from taking care of your body, you are depressing it's expression. Thus, negative energies that could only dissipate through exercise and release through hydration, become stagnant in your physical energy field, compressing your body, eventually leading to depression. Your mind in thirsty for new knowledge. For new discoveries, for new ideas to be created through the vision of your Soul. Your mind needs positive thoughts and 24 hour guard against negative thoughts. Becoming an optimist is the way to feed your mind the resources it needs for growth and development into it's full potential. Deprivation of it through watching TV, listening to garbage news all day, and getting involved with gossip leads to depression, or lack of pure expression of what your creative genius is all about. You see, we do it to ourselves, yet we blame the world and label this as a disease. We just don't know better and don't take responsibility. Your third aspect of you, the spirit, is in constant communication with you only if you could listen. Tune within, meditate, and start listening to your heart's desires. Start tuning into your breathing, the wind, the sun, a flower, a child playing, birds flying, beautiful ocean waves, a lovers glance, a touch, a smile with a stranger, and sharing your heart with someone. An act of kindness, a compassionate hug, a loving gesture, and inspirational words uttered from your being. Your. soul orchestrates your entire life in perfect harmony with nature and the universe only if you listen. Once you do, it balances the other two aspect, your physical body and the mind, into perfect harmony. Depression heals with these three aspects are in harmony, and the creative vision of your soul or your life's purpose begins to EXPRESS itself. Mind, Body, Soul. Together in peace and harmony, drawing a beautiful masterpiece art called your life. Depression gone, time to change the world one person at a a time, one soul into their pure expression of their authentic being......Namaste.

Affirmation: "I chose to be an optimist. I am living, moving, and having my being in alignment with the expression of my soul. Life supports me in every aspect of my being. I am one with God, one with the source of love. My thoughts emanate from the beauty of my soul. I take care of my body and mind. I am available and receptive to more abundance than I've ever imagined, experienced, or manifested before. I let go of my past and dive into the present moment, creating an awesome future by being anchored into the now. My words are powerful and peaceful in this very second and I just let it be.....and so it is,,,amen".


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