Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Have the COURAGE

Have the COURAGE to step out of your current circumstances that chain you down in lower energies of pain, depression, fear, anxiety, and shame. It all starts with a thought in your mind and DREAMING your freedom to BE YOURSELF into reality. You are more POWERFUL than you think you are. The entire COSMOS conspired you into existence. Your body is made from the elements of the STARS. You are made up of water, oxygen, carbon, and billions of astral molecules into this magnificent conscious BEING. Giving in to people's idea of you, what they think you should be, or having anyone CONTROLLING you is un-acceptable. You are LOVE in manifestation with each BREATH. Do you get what I'm saying? I don't really care who you programmed to think you are and what your relationship is to me!!! BUT I do care at what level of AWARENESS you are operating from because my entire mission in life is to WAKE YOU UP TO YOUR MAJESTIC, REAL SELF!!!! WAKE UP BABY, WAKE UP!!!
 Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in complete AWARENESS of my authentic self. I live for myself knowing that divine love of universe guides me in every step of my life. Bring it ON BABY"......have a spectacular day

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