Sunday, April 6, 2014

Keep It Simple

There you are waking up to another day, another experience in your life. The last breath you took became part of your memory pattern if you were aware to it. If not, it was just an automatic function, a gift from your source, keeping you alive and well. You see, you are evolving every second and experiencing life, sometimes without being aligned with your higher self. As you review your past, focus on the areas that you could SIMPLIFY in LIFE. The clearest path that can support you is the most SIMPLE path, and the most SIMPLE path is the path of LOVE, PEACE, INTEGRITY, and TRUTH. It takes courage to simplify your life, getting rid of the high monthly lease on your new Mercedes, or saying NO to unnecessary stuff you keep on hording for your kids, or stop buying that expensive labeled clothing to fit in bunch of pretentious, lost people who identify themselves with the shoes they wear, purse they hold in their hands, and whatever else to just FIT IT. Simplify your LIFE and Wake up to your beautiful inner LIGHT that is inherently given to you from eternity. As you do so, you'll find yourself rising above mediocrity of our planet and see that you are an emissary of LIGHT shot from Infinity to serve others uplifting their SOULS, changing their LIVES! Simplify your existence and take the path of least resistance. That's where your PURPOSE and DESTINY is waiting for YOU! - Dr. Rod.

Affirmation: "I am one with life, one with the universe. All of my needs are met at every level of existence. Life supports me in setting forth my highest best and by simplifying the task at hands. I am living, moving, and having my being in the presence of LOVE, of JOY, of PEACE. Abundance and Prosperity are the order of my day. I am available and receptive to more Miracles, Healing, and Beautiful opportunities to find their way in my vibration, holding nothing back, Giving my best Today to SERVE others. LIFE IS GOOD"....have a beautiful Sunday.

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