Sunday, April 20, 2014

Alone or Lonely?

Be able to tell the difference between being Alone and feeling Lonely.. Feeling lonely comes from a sense of lack. This happens when you are disconnected from your true essence, not able to be in touch with your higher self. Where you have pain inside your heart and don't know where it comes from. It's not a very good space to be in because it hurts and your only way out is to go deep within in order to heal what is the root of that separation. In contrast, BEING ALONE is a GIFT. It's where healing of the heart takes place. It's a quiet space of self realization and internal peace. Away from the drama of the world outside. A blissful opening to knowing yourself. Getting in touch with your true essence and realizing that you don't need anyone or anything to be happy. Because you are directly in touch with the universe itself, and that my friend, is found only in your ALONE moments where you are self reflecting, meditating, and giving rest to your brains cells. Is your Soul smiling during your ALONE moments or are you constantly searching to fill up a void that needs to be healed in your heart? Good question to ponder about....-Dr. Rod

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