The beautiful and amazing life you are seeking is the direct reflection of your beautiful and amazing higher Self. Tapping into your Awareness that you are more than a body and flesh, more than challenging life experiences, more than the sum amount of your current circumstances and situations that have pushed you into a corner, perhaps clouding your perception as to WHO and WHAT you are. Take a deep breath, I just finished an hour of meditation process that started with Healing the Body, then traveling to UNCONDITIONAL self LOVE, opening up to this LOVE through act of FORGIVENESS. I really focused on forgiving myself and I know you probably have realized that the toughest person you deal with on a daily basis is YOURSELF. So, here is my invitation to you: As you are in this vibration right now, if you've kept on reading this far, I'm sending you REIKI , clearing out your entire Chakra systems, into the deepest layers of your subconscious mind, opening DOORS of opportunities through power of Self Forgiveness in order to gain clarity of the mind, body, emotion, and YOUR beautiful SOUL. As this energy is penetrating your entire field, I see a resonating LIGHT surrounding you, then I see it going through you. This eternal, healing LIGHT which surrounds you and goes through you, is flowing IN, THROUGH, and as YOU--- IT IS YOU!!!!!--- With this in mind, see yourself as an abundant, whole, perfect, kind, generous, compassionate BEING, FREE in this moment from any self JUDGMENT, GUILT, AND SHAME. Free from the anxiety of the future and the pain of your past. Free in this instance, flowing through an ocean of love, peace, joy, success, prosperity, and harmonizing good. Tonight is PassOver. For all of my friends who celebrate and really for the entire Globe, I send out this prayer of FREEDOM from the EGO, from the old residues of lack and limitation, and bring forth a clearing of our perception, to reach OUR HIGHEST POTENTIAL AND CARRY OUT OUR DIVINE DESTINY, WHICH IS TO REFLECT AND REVEAL THE MAGNIFICENT OF THE COSMOS ACCORDING TO OUR UNIQUE PATTERNS. WITH THE HIGHEST SENSE OF GRATITUDE, I RELEASE THIS VISION AND PRAYER INTO OUR WORLD..HEALING IT RIGHT NOW!...Thanks for reading this far. Much LOVE Namaste.....Dr. Rod
Affirmation: "I am blessed and and blessing to the world. I am living, moving, and having my being in God, in joy, in peace, in prosperity, abundance, and absolute bliss. My life is Divine. Healing is the order of my day. I am available and receptive to more MIRACLES than I can imagine possible. I am grateful for having ALL OF MY NEEDS MET AND thankful for BEING in service to humanity."....have a spectacular day.
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