Sunday, April 27, 2014

Hang On

When your back is against the wall and you feel like your entire world is crumbling right in front of your eyes, hang on. This is the time to strengthen your faith in the power that created you and took care of you before you were even born from eternity. To get deep down in touch with your Soul, self reflect, Meditate, and release yourself to the unknown. Surrendering to the higher order of Universe doesn't mean to "Give Up". It means to give up unnecessary control of the Egoic mind and ALLOWING the energy of LIFE to FLOW in every area of your life. It means to discern between thoughts that are valid and distinguishing between invalid, fear based thoughts that are coming from lack of self love, unworthiness, pain, suffering, and scarcity consciousness. Once you reach this distinction, there is a space of letting Go into the Infinite Intelligence of that which is eternal, Real, and is operating in, through, and as YOU- we call this " LIFE ". Swim downstream through the current of higher order, harmony, and peace. This is what you can CHOOSE to Be, Do, and Have even when you feel you have lost it all. Strive to get out of your challenge by healing what's going on within your heart, mind, and SOUL. The Universe will SUPPORT YOU! Hang on my friend....sending you tons of LOVE....-Dr. Rod

Affirmation: " I am available to more prosperity, healing, and love than I've ever experiences, imagined, and manifested. Life supports me. I live in a friendly, abundant universe. I forgive and let go of any hindrance to this Truth and allow my life to reflect and reveal the glory of the Cosmos. Peace is the order of my day"....have a spectacular day

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