Wednesday, April 30, 2014


It takes courage to rise above the fears and anxieties of your current life experiences and go beyond them even if you have to use your IMAGINATION. Imagination is the angel of God, bringing you the energy of the Impossible and pulling you towards the gates of I'm-possible. It takes courage to wake up with an attitude of GRATITUDE, even if you have no reason to be grateful for. Just the fact that you are intending to shift your energy from victim to victory, from depression to expression of your SOUL is enough to take your from resistance and generate FLOW. YOU CAN DO THIS. It's just a shift in your perception and a WILLINGNESS to set in motion your inherent, powerful, joyful, compassionate, loving, abundant, peaceful, and creative higher self that knows, and it knows that it knows, in order to dissolve the pain and sufferings of your heart. It needs your permission, it needs your courage, and it needs a bit of an enthusiasm. ARE YOU UP FOR IT? ARE YOU WILLING TO SHINE AND STAND TALL RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW? WHY WASTE TIME? I THINK THIS IS YOUR MOMENT, RIGHT NOW, GO FOR IT!!!!! -Dr. Rod.

Affirmation: "I Am that, I am. I am living, moving, and having my being in LOVE. My life is the direct emenation of the only life that exist. I am available and receptive to more abundance, prosperity, and health than I can ever imagine possible. Joy is the order of my day. Peace is direction of my heart. Life is GOOD. I am GRATEFUL for absolutely NOTHING that manifest into MIRACLES in every areas of my life."

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Personal Relationship

So many of us struggle with personal relationships. At one point in your life, you thought you were in love with someone. I don't doubt that. Love is a state of being that is inherent in all of us. It's our natural state of being. On a spiritual journey, your definition of love starts to shift. As you grow and get to know yourself deeper, your tendency to be completely neutral in love expands. Many times, people who are in our lives don't catch up in this evolution. You take on a path of personal discovery and find deeper aspects of yourself, connect with your purpose in life, and become in tune on a vibration that is completely off tune with your partner's. If there is no spiritual partnership, growth, deep connection, support, and an aligned vision together, the relationship will dissolve and dis-integrate from each other. It will not continue. No one is to blame. This is the nature of our human beingness evolving on our course, meeting different angels in our lives that give us what we need at that specific time period. Pointing the finger of blame and judgment on your X-partner or one to be X soon is an immature way of looking at this phenomena. The message this has for you is to discover avenues for FORGIVENESS, discovering ways to expand and grow, discovering to be more LOVING and COMPASSIONATE as ever before, even if it has to do with LETTING GO of what NO LONGER SERVES you. You can Heal your LIFE, your Relationships, and other people once you open up to HEALING yourself and LOVING yourself first. Have Self Worth and Trust the Universal Source of LOVE to guide you to your DESTINY

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in LOVE. I am available and receptive to more prosperity than I've ever imagined, experienced, or manifested. My life is Divine. I trust the universe to guide me on my path, pull me towards a Vision of healing and Changing the World for Peace, Harmony, Compassion, Kindness, Abundance, Success, Health, and Wholeness. I Am totally Grateful and Thankful for NO-THING that MANIFESTS as All the Miracles in my LIFE. I AM BLESSED and a BLESSING to the world. and so it is. Amen.."

Monday, April 28, 2014

One Word

I see love, beauty, divine intelligence, abundance, prosperity, kindness, creativity, compassion, integrity, wisdom, well being, healing, wholeness, happy, blissful, harmonizing good, a powerful person, and a divine destiny with all of your dreams coming through as a walking, breathing, living MIRACLE-- IN and AS YOU--, right here right now, sending you this blessing and positive, healing vibration to lift you up and above any challenges you are growing through

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Hang On

When your back is against the wall and you feel like your entire world is crumbling right in front of your eyes, hang on. This is the time to strengthen your faith in the power that created you and took care of you before you were even born from eternity. To get deep down in touch with your Soul, self reflect, Meditate, and release yourself to the unknown. Surrendering to the higher order of Universe doesn't mean to "Give Up". It means to give up unnecessary control of the Egoic mind and ALLOWING the energy of LIFE to FLOW in every area of your life. It means to discern between thoughts that are valid and distinguishing between invalid, fear based thoughts that are coming from lack of self love, unworthiness, pain, suffering, and scarcity consciousness. Once you reach this distinction, there is a space of letting Go into the Infinite Intelligence of that which is eternal, Real, and is operating in, through, and as YOU- we call this " LIFE ". Swim downstream through the current of higher order, harmony, and peace. This is what you can CHOOSE to Be, Do, and Have even when you feel you have lost it all. Strive to get out of your challenge by healing what's going on within your heart, mind, and SOUL. The Universe will SUPPORT YOU! Hang on my friend....sending you tons of LOVE....-Dr. Rod

Affirmation: " I am available to more prosperity, healing, and love than I've ever experiences, imagined, and manifested. Life supports me. I live in a friendly, abundant universe. I forgive and let go of any hindrance to this Truth and allow my life to reflect and reveal the glory of the Cosmos. Peace is the order of my day"....have a spectacular day

Friday, April 25, 2014

Melting Away

It's so difficult to witness people you love getting old and melting away right in front of your eyes. One of the ways I deal with this situation is to remind myself that we are spiritual beings having a temporary human incarnation and there is more to the old, frail body. There is the soul behind the illusion of our physical self, an eternal, infinite energy of love. When I view my loved ones through this prism, it enables me to see only the beauty behind the illness, the pain, and the fragile face! Still though, no matter how deep I look at it, it hurts me! -Dr. Rod.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Take this IN

I'm in an incredible space of love and peace right now. Came out of a very deep meditation for the past hour or so, and listening to an amazing music I usually listen to when I want to connect to the source. What a journey! I feel the endorphins and seretonins swimming in my blood stream, my breath very deep, and heart extremely slowed down. There is a radiant light coming straight from the deepest spaces in my heart, shining out sitting directly from my room and allowing my fingers to just type. I don't even know what's coming through me, because it's not the mind that's writing right now, it's the spirit of LOVE, JOY, HEALING, COMPASSION, GIVING, and PEACE....I allow this magnetic energy, healing, loving energy to flow through being channeled through the source, straight to the reader of this post. Where ever you are, take a deep breath for the next few seconds, feel how it feels like to know that all of your needs are met. In the very moment you took that breath, all you ever needed was molecules of oxygen to keep you alive and maintain the functions of your body. Thus, your need was me and you disconnected momentarily from the anxiety of the future or the pain of the past, anchoring in the present moment with the realization that you are an eternal , infinite being of love and light. Right now overflowing in the highest vibration through these words raising your consciousness and allowing your Soul directing you to your divine destiny. Be with this for a few more seconds. If you've read this far you noticed that a beautiful ray of GREEN light has circled into your AURA and is flowing through your entire body, feeding it the energy of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. STAY OPEN AND RECEPTIVE FOR A MIGHTY MIRACLE TO MANIFEST IN YOUR LIFE TODAY, a miracle of joy, ABUNDANCE, PROSPERITY, HARMONIZING GOOD, and DIVINE RIGHT ACTION......and so it is, Amen.....-Dr. Rod...

Monday, April 21, 2014

The Glory

Can you see the beauty and the glory in your life? As you grow into spiritual maturity through daily practice, obscurities fade away and a clear vision of who you are, what you are, and why you are here to do what you do becomes totally apparent. You go from self-centeredness into BEING centered in the Self. If you get to read this and you have time, set aside 5 minutes right after and close your eyes. Do NOTHING. Just sit or lay down in a comfortable position and breath. Happy Monday.....-Dr. Rod

Affirmation: "Infinite, invisible good manifests as all my needs met. I am living, moving, and having my being in LOVE. I trust the universe. I am available and receptive for MIRACLES to show up in every areas of my life. In Gratitude, I just let it be. And so it is, Amen....." Have a beautiful day everyone

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Alone or Lonely?

Be able to tell the difference between being Alone and feeling Lonely.. Feeling lonely comes from a sense of lack. This happens when you are disconnected from your true essence, not able to be in touch with your higher self. Where you have pain inside your heart and don't know where it comes from. It's not a very good space to be in because it hurts and your only way out is to go deep within in order to heal what is the root of that separation. In contrast, BEING ALONE is a GIFT. It's where healing of the heart takes place. It's a quiet space of self realization and internal peace. Away from the drama of the world outside. A blissful opening to knowing yourself. Getting in touch with your true essence and realizing that you don't need anyone or anything to be happy. Because you are directly in touch with the universe itself, and that my friend, is found only in your ALONE moments where you are self reflecting, meditating, and giving rest to your brains cells. Is your Soul smiling during your ALONE moments or are you constantly searching to fill up a void that needs to be healed in your heart? Good question to ponder about....-Dr. Rod

Friday, April 18, 2014

After you are GONE

After you are gone, the only legacy you'll leave behind is how much you cared for others, how much you LOVED, and your signature character. Your true essence is eternal. Build upon this inner truth with every choice you make and every word you utter in the moment. Fate is what life brings to you with every experience, while your destiny is what you do with these experiences and from what space of BEING you carry through. How you build upon each moment will one day be a testimonial whispered by others. And that my friend, IS PRICELESS. YOU ARE IN FACT, PRICELESS. -Dr. Rod..

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Leadership is the ability to influence others. How you influence others is a direct relationship on how you are taking care of your own inner household. What thoughts you are allowing to navigate through your mind? How open is your heart to LOVE? Are you letting go of your past and processing out the pain you've been holding on to or you are masking a happy front with a broken heart behind it? You become an effective leader as you focus your attention to the deepest areas of your life with an intention to bring your highest potential as a gift to humanity. These are eternal, Soul qualities that are vibrating at higher frequencies from the mock of human experience domain. Compassion, Appreciation, Peace, Kindness, Sharing, Healing, Bliss, Beauty, Harmony, Abundance, Joy, Creativity. Are you really in integrity with your Soul or do you fall deep when you allow negativity effect your core BEING? Leadership is a lifelong process, a manifestation of your commitment to your highest Self and a practice of discipline in Being of Service to others. Here is the Awesome News: You have the ability to fulfill your creative Vision that is the direct emanation from the cosmos and can lead others to GREATNESS, because YOU ARE GREATNESS! -Dr. Rod.

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my Being in LOVE. My life is Divine. I am available and receptive to more joy, more abundance, success, wealth, peace, compassion, and kindness than I can imagine possible. The universe supports me and I trust it"....have a beautiful day everyone.

Monday, April 14, 2014


The beautiful and amazing life you are seeking is the direct reflection of your beautiful and amazing higher Self. Tapping into your Awareness that you are more than a body and flesh, more than challenging life experiences, more than the sum amount of your current circumstances and situations that have pushed you into a corner, perhaps clouding your perception as to WHO and WHAT you are. Take a deep breath, I just finished an hour of meditation process that started with Healing the Body, then traveling to UNCONDITIONAL self LOVE, opening up to this LOVE through act of FORGIVENESS. I really focused on forgiving myself and I know you probably have realized that the toughest person you deal with on a daily basis is YOURSELF. So, here is my invitation to you: As you are in this vibration right now, if you've kept on reading this far, I'm sending you REIKI , clearing out your entire Chakra systems, into the deepest layers of your subconscious mind, opening DOORS of opportunities through power of Self Forgiveness in order to gain clarity of the mind, body, emotion, and YOUR beautiful SOUL. As this energy is penetrating your entire field, I see a resonating LIGHT surrounding you, then I see it going through you. This eternal, healing LIGHT which surrounds you and goes through you, is flowing IN, THROUGH, and as YOU--- IT IS YOU!!!!!--- With this in mind, see yourself as an abundant, whole, perfect, kind, generous, compassionate BEING, FREE in this moment from any self JUDGMENT, GUILT, AND SHAME. Free from the anxiety of the future and the pain of your past. Free in this instance, flowing through an ocean of love, peace, joy, success, prosperity, and harmonizing good. Tonight is PassOver. For all of my friends who celebrate and really for the entire Globe, I send out this prayer of FREEDOM from the EGO, from the old residues of lack and limitation, and bring forth a clearing of our perception, to reach OUR HIGHEST POTENTIAL AND CARRY OUT OUR DIVINE DESTINY, WHICH IS TO REFLECT AND REVEAL THE MAGNIFICENT OF THE COSMOS ACCORDING TO OUR UNIQUE PATTERNS. WITH THE HIGHEST SENSE OF GRATITUDE, I RELEASE THIS VISION AND PRAYER INTO OUR WORLD..HEALING IT RIGHT NOW!...Thanks for reading this far. Much LOVE  Namaste.....Dr. Rod

Affirmation: "I am blessed and and blessing to the world. I am living, moving, and having my being in God, in joy, in peace, in prosperity, abundance, and absolute bliss. My life is Divine. Healing is the order of my day. I am available and receptive to more MIRACLES than I can imagine possible. I am grateful for having ALL OF MY NEEDS MET AND thankful for BEING in service to humanity."....have a spectacular day.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

A Blessing for YOU

I'm finding myself in that beautiful post meditative state right now. This is the most ideal time where energy flows freely through my writing here and gets to YOU. There is no resistance to any thoughts of lack, limitation, or worry. I'm residing in a state of ONENESS and through this space of overflow, I'm sending you a prayer of abundance, success, health, healing, wholeness, beauty, and ever lasting peace that passes human understanding. Take a deep breath, allow this radiant LIGHT and LOVE energy to be channeled and to enter your physical, emotional, etheric, with spiritual body. Through all of your sensation, specially your eye sight, capturing the light waves of these words, transforming them in bits of information, in-forming your brain cells vibrating at a higher lever of frequency, sending this uplifting message to your entire central nervous system, becoming positive fuel for your entire cells at microscopic level, inside your DNA, traveling as quarks of energy into the deepest layers of your CONSCIOUSNESS. As you read this passage, feel the overflow of JOY, HAPPINESS, and MIRACLES, that are BEING RE-COGNIZED as themselves through your PERCEPTION and EXISTENCE. Take another deep breath, repeat this affirmation: ALL OF MY NEEDS ARE MET, MY LIFE IS DIVINE. I AM AVAILABLE AND RECEPTIVE TO MORE GOOD THAN I CAN EVER IMAGINE POSSIBLE. I AM GRATEFUL FOR NO-THING , MANIFESTING AS EVERYTHING I DESIRE INTO EVERY AREAS OF MY LIFE , THUS BENEFITING THE ENTIRE HUMANITY AS A WHOLE. I AM BLESSED AND A BLESSING TO THE WORLD"....BREATH OUT, and read this again Please. Feel free to share it. Have a great weekend  -Dr. Rod.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Be Generative

Become a generative BEING of love and joy. How? by practicing it on yourself first and giving the personal attention you need to your inner child. As you overflow with an abundance of love, joy, peace, and harmony- what you give away is just an extension of your natural state. You are not pretending, you are acting out someone else's model, you are not pushing anyone to be who they are not or what they can not feel at a specific moment. Stay away from judgments of how people should be or act, it's up to them to find their path in life. If they decide to open up and receive the knowledge to change themselves for better, then so BE IT. If Not, it's just as GOOD. Everyone is on their own DIVINE journey. It's not up to you to push anyone on a path that YOU think is Right for them. Allow them to be themselves. Work on your own inner household, clearing out the PAIN you are holding on to, and always remain humble because humility ultimately is the GREATEST virtue. Practicing what you teach and learn enables you to GROW. Without action, you'll become stagnant. Derive your action from a state of LOVE and see your life reflect and reveal the MIRACLE that it truly IS......-Dr. Rod

Affirmation: "My life is the an extension of the only life that there is. Peace is the order of my day. I am living, moving, and having my being in LOVE. I am abundant and successful, healthy and joyous, beautiful and powerful, aligned with my divine destiny. I am available for Miracles to show up in my life. I am whole, perfect , complete as I was created. All of my needs are met, everything happens for my GOOD. The universe supports me."...have a fantastic Friday

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Why Complain?

Be aware of one habitual complain you have as a usual pattern in your mind today. There may be more than one, but only focus on the most nagging one. The second you capture that thought, take a deep breath and notice there is a part of you that needs to be acknowledged and loved. It's been somehow neglected or imprisoned behind your thoughts of worry, lack, guilt, I'm not good enough, or I need more to be happy. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Breath in, just be aware that these energies come an go within your energy field. By simply observing and acknowledging them through your awareness, these feeling will fade away and HEAL. The key is MEDITATION. Don't judge them, don't get upset when they show up. Always fall back to your spiritual power of discernment, choosing what is your inherent nature. I invite you choose Love, Peace, Compassion, Joy, and Laughter. Allow, embrace, and then give it all away to someone that needs YOU! -Dr. Rod..

Affirmation: I am love in action. I am living, moving, and having my BEING in the spirit of Peace. Joy is my nature. Creativity oozes through me. Divine Healing takes over my life. I am available and receptive to Miracles showing up in every areas of my life. Today, is a beautiful day. I attract and allow abundance, success, health, wealth, happiness, kindness, beauty, and harmonizing good into my life because that's who I AM. I AM THAT, I AM..... Namaste.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Be a Blessing

Today is absolutely going to be a very prosperous, healthy, joyous, and abundant day for every person who is reading this. As you take your next breath, cultivate an attitude of positive expectancy and plant the seed of inspiration with lots of enthusiasm in the fertile ground of your consciousness. Repeat this affirmation with conviction: "I AM GRATEFUL AND THANKFUL FOR ABSOLUTELY NO-THING MANIFESTING AS MIRACLES IN EVERY AREA OF MY LIFE, NOW". Breath out and relax into the moment. Make an effort to forward a random act of KINDNESS and send a BLESSING to everyone you get in touch or get connected to as you move through your day. Share your results with us in the comments please. Sending you lots of love and peace. Breath in , Breath out....Say the Affirmation again NOW.....Namaste.... - Dr. Rod.

Affirmation: I am grateful and thankful for absolutely No-thing manifesting as Miracles into every area of my life. I am available and receptive for more GOOD than I can even imagine. I live in a friendly universe. All of my needs are met. I am living, moving, and having my BEING in love and light. The universe supports me."....have a beautiful day everyone

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Who Are You?

There is a divine wisdom that's everywhere, it's always been, and always will be. It's closer than your hands and feet. Nearer than your neck veins. It's beating your heart, allowing you to process these words, breathing the next breath for you. It's that fuzzy feeling you get when you fall in LOVE, the gratitude you feel as you see your child blossom, and the vibration of compassion when you help someone in need. It has no name, outside our mental capacity to grasp, yet it's a knowing deep within that is guiding you to your destiny. It's everywhere and Nowhere. It's your essence, your true nature, your beautiful Self reflection in the mirror of eternity. It is YOU  -Dr. Rod. (Smile like this Happy Orchid, Amazing)

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. All of my needs are met. I live in a friendly universe. I am available and receptive to more Miracles than I can imagine possible. I am abundant, wealthy, health, powerful, beautiful, peaceful, lovely, and graciously giving through circulating my gifts and talents to the world. I intend to heal and change the world."...have a spectacular day

Monday, April 7, 2014

It is Optional

Pain is inevitable, however, Suffering is optional. Forgive and let Go of the past. Let go and witness miracles show up in your life. -Dr. Rod.

Affirmation: 'I am living, moving, and having my being in presence of LOVE. I am available and receptive for abundance, success, health, peace, healing, creativity, joy, gratitude, and absolute bliss in my life. I choose to live in a friendly universe that supports and guides me to my divine destiny. I am blessed and a blessing to the world. I intend to heal and change the world NOW. "....have a spectacular Monday.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Keep It Simple

There you are waking up to another day, another experience in your life. The last breath you took became part of your memory pattern if you were aware to it. If not, it was just an automatic function, a gift from your source, keeping you alive and well. You see, you are evolving every second and experiencing life, sometimes without being aligned with your higher self. As you review your past, focus on the areas that you could SIMPLIFY in LIFE. The clearest path that can support you is the most SIMPLE path, and the most SIMPLE path is the path of LOVE, PEACE, INTEGRITY, and TRUTH. It takes courage to simplify your life, getting rid of the high monthly lease on your new Mercedes, or saying NO to unnecessary stuff you keep on hording for your kids, or stop buying that expensive labeled clothing to fit in bunch of pretentious, lost people who identify themselves with the shoes they wear, purse they hold in their hands, and whatever else to just FIT IT. Simplify your LIFE and Wake up to your beautiful inner LIGHT that is inherently given to you from eternity. As you do so, you'll find yourself rising above mediocrity of our planet and see that you are an emissary of LIGHT shot from Infinity to serve others uplifting their SOULS, changing their LIVES! Simplify your existence and take the path of least resistance. That's where your PURPOSE and DESTINY is waiting for YOU! - Dr. Rod.

Affirmation: "I am one with life, one with the universe. All of my needs are met at every level of existence. Life supports me in setting forth my highest best and by simplifying the task at hands. I am living, moving, and having my being in the presence of LOVE, of JOY, of PEACE. Abundance and Prosperity are the order of my day. I am available and receptive to more Miracles, Healing, and Beautiful opportunities to find their way in my vibration, holding nothing back, Giving my best Today to SERVE others. LIFE IS GOOD"....have a beautiful Sunday.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Fall in Love

Fall in Love with Yourself and that significant other, your Soul mate, will show up! - Dr. Rod...

Pay Attention

Here is something that can assist you in changing the circumstances of your life for the better. Self LOVE and self WORTHINESS are two main ingredients for spiritual growth and development. By paying attention to these qualities on a moment by moment basis, you create an inner peace and pattern of wholeness which will resonate outward. The key ingredient for this sacred relationship with yourself and others is "BEING IN INTEGRITY WITH YOUR WORD". Your words are powerful, your affirmations are sacred, your internal agreements and conversations about these agreements with yourself and to others are the most important place to pay attention to in order to invite Transformation and Healing in your life...Wishing you a great weekend -Dr. Rod

Affirmation: "I value my self Worth and immerse myself in unconditional self Love. I live with Integrity to my Word. My life is the expression of the only Life that exists, peace, joy, happiness, abundance, and healing. I am available for mighty miracles to manifest themselves in my life. I am grateful and thankful for my inner transformation"....Peace

Friday, April 4, 2014

Living Your Greatness

If you had one chance to change a thought in your mind what would it be? For me, it would be the realization of my Greatness. Knowing that I've originated from Greatness itself, the mother of it All, the eternal source of LIGHT and LOVE. I would release my Fears into this energy and attract more of my Greatness into each experience. There is a paradox in living your Greatness because the more you notice your Oneness with All, the more humble you become and that Greatness merges into the No-thingness of Everything beyond perception. I'm compelled to live a life of significance and radiate this energy outward by embracing my inward Greatness in each moment, therefore expanding and uplifting your Energy in this magnetic field. It's a beautiful place to BE and Create resonance that benefits our collective consciousness. And so it is. Amen. -Dr. Rod..

Affirmation: "I come from greatness. I attract greatness. I Am greatness. I am available and receptive for Miracles to manifest in my life. I am Grateful for No-thing that represents itself into everything I desire live my life on PURPOSE. I am whole, perfect, and complete. Healing is the order of my day. I Trust the Universe. All is WELL"....have a beautiful Friday.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Opening

Start the day with a smile on your face in the mirror and bypass your mind chatter of self judgment with all it's BS complaints. Even if it is for a moment, you will invite an opening for spiritual principles of love and peace to find their way through the gaps in between your thoughts. Take a deep breath NOW as you are reading this following sentence: Say: "I AM WHOLE , PERFECT, AND COMPLETE. MY LIFE IS DIVINE. I AM RADIANT BEAUTY, CREATIVE GENIUS, ABUNDANT JOY, AND COMPASSIONATE SPIRITUAL WARRIOR. I ATTRACT AND ALLOW MIRACLES TO REVEAL THEMSELVES IN EVERY ASPECT OF MY LIFE. THE UNIVERSE SUPPORTS ME AND I TRUST IN IT". Feel this energy vibrating through your emotional and mental body until it takes your higher awareness and bypasses your consciousness through the blame, nagging, complaining voice in your head who hijack your AWARENESS from the Truth of your Higher BEING , thus reconnecting you back to your celestial body. You are Worth it. Stay strong! Breath out, Read this again  -Dr. Rod.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

You Matter

You matter, your thoughts matter, your words matter. Your Being in this eternal universe matters most because through YOU, Life is becoming Aware of itself. A recognition beyond the physical reality, it's an intuitive state of Peace, Harmony, and Joy. Where you see the face of infinity in anything you encounter. A shift in perception, loosing the mind's state of fragmentation and BECOMING your True sense of WHOLENESS. This is where LOVE abides, it is connection, rather than separation. It Heals, rather than destruction. It cradles, rather than evoking chaos. You matter, your thoughts matter, your words matter. Your beautiful LIGHT within matters to those who live in Darkness. Even though Darkness doesn't exist! It's just the LACK of LIGHT. YOU are that LIGHT and You are the next generation for Transformation of this Darkness into the LIGHT---Dr. Rod..

Affirmation: "I am One with Love, one with Light. My life is the direct emenation of the only life that there is. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, health, wealth, prosperity, joy, kindness, and creativity than I can imaging possible. I am grateful for NO-Thing, manifesting as everything I need to deliver my Divine Destiny. The universe supports me and I wholeheartedly TRUST it...."...have a beautiful day