Wow, grateful for another day, another chance to start a new beginning. You notice each time you wake up from a beauty sleep, you are starting a new beginning in what is a timeless, space less, eternal mesh of energetic particles floating and colliding with each other into infinity? We call this our life. As the captain of your life, focus on all the blessings you've got right now. Go ahead, don't wait until you do anything else. Here is a perfect opportunity. Take a deep breath, follow that breath down your spinal cord, give it a bright golden color, so brilliant that it starts highlighting all of your nervous system. The light starts penetrating your various organs, tissues, cells, and finally deep down each cell you've got a special DNA molecule, woven around each atom like a spiral. It's structure is hugging each strand together, in a beautiful harmonizing close tango, vibrating with the OMM sound of creation, before everything started, the sound of creation came out of NO-Thingness, into the manifestation of divine intelligence, shaping and forming itself into YOU, as your LIFE, yes YOU! Take another deep breath, you've got to read this passage one more time, visualizing where I'm taking you because in this space, dis-ease, dis-harmony, lack, limitation, fear, and worry doesn't exist. It's a space of healing, love, and light. Where your breath is supplying oxygen and all the essentials to your body, relaxing your thoughts while you are focused on these words that are coming from a meditative space. I'm connected to this beautiful energy and transferring it right through the light energy, translating into words, from your eyes, into your cerebral cortex, transforming into elector-magnetic field of beautiful information that is being picked up by your SOUL. In this United field of consciousness, we are together transforming our WOLD, because you are giving an agreement to my words, in turn making it into a new conversation, that will shift your internal energy field. It will resonate out to the world and uplift, inspire, encourage, empower, and heal anyone that comes across this post! For this, I am so grateful and thankful and I just let it BE!!!!!- and so it is--Dr. Rod...
Affirmation: " I am living, moving, and having my being in God. All of my needs are met. I am divinely guided and lighted to manifest my beautiful destiny. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, health, wealth, and prosperity than I can imagine possible. Come what may!"...have a beautiful day everyone.
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