Monday, February 17, 2014


I don't know about you but I've been experiencing intense amount of Energies for the past few days. I'm incredibly receptive to all kind of emotional energies from people and the environment. I even feel and pick up vibes of the trees and flowers, rocks in the mountain, and animals I come in contact with. As my sensitivity has been increasing, so has my responsibility for dealing with them. I find myself more AWARE than ever, yearning to meditate more, to stay connected more, and do more 'light work' with Energy healing. It's a very interesting path of inner growth, with lots of ups and downs. So many times I see the down times about to happen, where my mind starts creating negative stories about life, start telling me Lies about Who I Am, What I Am, Where I Am, and Why I Am. It starts making up False assumptions, bringing up false identities from the past trying to convince me of something that is not True. Be careful on how the EGO and Mind operates. I invite you to get serious about a Spiritual practice, specially MEDITATION regularly. As you expand at a level of consciousness with Awareness of your Higher Self, you will get to keep a high vibration about your TRUE Self. You can not make up Lies about Your SOUL and inner Truth. The higher, positive energies totally cancel the lower negative ones, but it's your RESPONSIBILITY to seek, go within, and get in touch with yourself. As you do , you'll gain Peace and you'll loose your Fears. You'll walk at a center point of the universe, just BEING neural, observing LIFE and participating in it with full on JOY! I'm starting the day in GRATITUDE and sending you LOTS of LOVE, lifting your Spirit to become into full understanding that ALL IS WELL! ---Dr. Rod...

Affirmation: "I am standing in the middle of mind of God. Everything is working together for my Good. All that I need I have within me. My life is a direct emanation of the only life that IS. I Am available and receptive to more abundance, success, healing, prosperity, miracles, and joy than I can imagine possible. Life supports me. "....have a beautiful day

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