Everyone has their own divine timing to come to self realization and deal with their past history. Specially the pain and suffering they caused themselves and to others. It takes courage to finally take responsibility for what you've done, what you've said, and recognizing what you've learned which is the most important part. You'll get to this point as you mature spiritually. There is no time limit because we are always leaving in the 'Present' moment. It's not until a certain level of coherent understanding and willingness has touched your heart that you will allow the Truth of your BEING to come forth . Trans-formation requires your active participation. It's often easier for you to stay where you are because 'Change' seems difficult, it's scary to go beyond your boundaries, limiting point of views and belief systems you've picked up from the world. What the world needs is more individuals taking responsibility for their personal thoughts, words, and choices. Getting off of our social masks, fame, fortune, comparison, envy, bigotry, stereotyping, and showing off. The world needs more humble and genuine people. Who are not looking for secondary gain in everything they do. We need more honest people with high integrity. Ones that come with clear INTENTION to make a positive change, not gaining recognition and a boost in EGO. Today, Notice those part of you that needs healing and is yearning to be LOVED. Notice the part of you that needs Forgiveness. Don't run away from it. This is your day!---Dr.Rod.
Affirmation: I Am living, moving, and having my being in Peace. I recognize those aspects of my personality that needs healing, loving, forgiveness, and letting Go. I let Go and Let God to guide me on my path. I am available and receptive to Miracles, Healing, Compassion, and LOVE".....have a great day.
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