Many times in life people come in your life for different reasons. If you reflect back at your past, you realize who you attracted in your life either as a personal mate or friend. When you reflect back, look at yourself, where you were in life, what your mentality was, and who you were on a spiritual growth curve. Here is something so important not to miss; As you do this, do it with love, care, and sensitivity towards yourself and people that came in your life. As a BEING of LIGHT, you are unfolding in a constant state of 'NOW'. Your past personality selves created the blueprint to get you to this very second, where you are reading my post and realizing that you did the best you knew how, made the best decisions you knew how. The 'YOU' I'm talking about is the Soul who is unfolding through life's experiences, meeting up with challenges in order to grow and heal in this incarnation. As you become more AWARE of this fact, take Responsibility for your Choices and inner Relationship with yourself. Forgive that personality self of yours who you've been blaming and victimizing so long. Forgive the people who came in your life and left, or are still clinging on to you. You can shift them out or into your life if you get serious about your thought choices, spiritual practices, meditation, and re-gifting of your talents to the society with high INTENTIONS. This is YOUR CHANCE. Today is your day to make it happen. Bless your past, take a deep breath now, and know that you are always guided through the spirit of LOVE....Where ever you are , GOD IS.....---Dr.Rod...
Affirmation: "I forgive and let go, I let Go and Let God. I am living, moving, and having my being in Peace. Life supports me. I am Available and Receptive to more abundance, success, health, healing, wealth, and blessings than I can imagine possible. There is always more than ENOUGH. I share and give my talents back with the world, and in my sharing I get to receive."
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