Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Earlier today I had an amazing insight and self realization during a coaching session with a friend of mine. We had a great conversation while hiking, where I usually do my healing work. I took some time to center myself in the middle of the hike, paused, and was looking in far distance where I noticed two little shades moving very, very slowly. I kept on taking deep, long breath and couldn't see clearly what this was. I'm talking maybe 70 ft in distance away from me. Suddenly, I saw the two little shades transforming into ears of a large bunny rabbit that was completely camouflaged with the background bush and trees. It was so incredible to be present, awake, and aware of this transformation. I was thinking about our life challenges at the moment I saw this transformation and gained clarity. How often are we looking from a myopic point of view, where our problems seems to weigh so heavy, we become helpless, hopeless, and lost in the midst of our thoughts? Yet, so many times we realize that there was a blessing hidden in disguise as a problem when time passes by. That this blessing reveals itself once we are available and receptive to it. Once we notice our connection with the Source of All, having a deep realization and faith that everything happens for our higher purpose in life. That we matter, that our challenges are giving us a new starting point to turn our lives around, expanding in consciousness, and becoming trans-formed. You feel me on this? Take a look at your life and where you ARE right now! Look with a Clear VISION and Ask : What are my blessings in disguise trying to teach me and how are they guiding me to GROW? --Dr.Rod.

Affirmation: " I invite clarity in my life. I intend to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I am available and receptive to more miracles, health, healing, prosperity, and success than I can imagine possible. Come what may!"....Peace.

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