Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Mind your own Business

Practicing what you preach is a great thought to keep in mind. Don't worry about fixing others or giving them a prescription for "what to do, and what not to do" list for their lives. Become an example of empowered BEING; focusing on your inner life, your attitude, your thoughts, your habits, and your own actions first. Your sphere of influence grows when you mind your own business and don't butt in other people's lives. As you grow mentally, emotionally, and SPIRITUALLY, you share your experiences, exude your light, and emanate your love just for the SAKE of BEING yourself, speaking from your HIGHER SELF- not "TRYING to FIX OTHERS". Everyone is on their own path, learning from their mistakes, awakening at their own Divine Timing. YOUR JOB: MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS and DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO FOR YOURSELF!---Dr.Rod..

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my BEING in God. I trust and let go. I allow and receive. I am available and receptive to more Abundance and prosperity than I can imagine possible. Life supports me. I love and respect myself"...have a peaceful day everyone..

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