Monday, September 22, 2014

This too shall pass

Life is full of surprises. You don't know when or where they will come at you. Imagine climbing a ladder made of ropes. As you go up and reach with your hands, you alternate with the opposite leg, hoping that it wont swing around. There are times though that the ladder starts shaking. There are times that the bottom rope may tear and fall apart. There are times that your hands may get tired and slip away. Life is full of unknown factors that come into your experience and swing the ladder you are climbing. However, the moments of uncertainties carry a deeper potential for getting to know an aspect of yourself requiring a strong pull to overcome your fears and find your inner strength, your faith within. Just hang on. Long sentence, I know, it's hard for me to express this. Have you faced a situation like that? Where you are caught in corner and there is nothing you can hold on to but the inner knowing of surrendering to higher orders of life itself? If you feel being in that corner, close your eyes and open your inner eyes. As I gaze in your inner eyes with an eye full of love, I want to tell you that "YOU"LL BE OK, and This Too Shall Pass". No matter where you are and what challenge you are facing, I feel the presence of God right there with you and hold you in the best possible outcome. Namaste. +1

Affirmation: "I welcome life's challenges and look at them as seeds of opportunity for me to grow. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. My life is divine. I am guided with divine love, infinite prosperity, perfect health, an immense capacity to love, and be a beneficial presence on our planet. My words are powerful and my intentions are pure. I am whole, perfect, and complete as I was created. I trust the universe and live in a friendly world of kindness. Joy is the order of my day and prosperity finds me where I am. ".

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