Thursday, September 4, 2014

Not to decide, is to decide

"Not to decide, is to decide". This has such profound implications as I read it earlier, then I went into a very deep meditation. Not to love is deciding to live in fear. Not to allow life pass through without struggle, is to hold yourself tight as if you are in charge of everything. Not to be in peace is deciding to get caught into the turmoil of the world. You've seen what's going on around the globe? yes, me too. Not to decide to come from compassion as you observe the chaos of the external circumstances is to join the madness. We are all connected in consciousness. When we think a negative, hateful thought towards ourselves or people around us, that thought gets recorded in the intelligence of our collective consciousness. The result: turn on the news tonight. It's like going to a pizza shop and ordering your favorite pizza. Your creative thoughts are putting the ingredients together, the thickness of the crust, and all the details. You give the order, the chef carries it out somewhere else and the thought actually becomes a thing. So, not to decide working on yourself, meditate, clean up your inner household, get rid of your pain, forgive , and shower yourself with unconditional love is DECIDING TO CONTINUE ADDING TO OUR COLLECTIVE MADNESS. I've simplified this to your favorite pizza. Almost everyone loves pizza. The world would be a much better place if we offered each other a slice of pizza rather than hatred, judgment, envy, fear, and separation. Next time you come across yourself saying "I can't" or "this is impossible to happen" or "I can't decide", please replace your thought to: "I INTEND TO CREATE". Not to decide is to decide. Decide to be love in action, NOW.......Namaste...

"I am one with God, one with life, one with the intelligence of our collective consciousness. I am living, moving, and having my being in love. I decide to be compassionate, peaceful, giving, and grateful. I am available to more prosperity than I've ever imagined, experienced, or manifested before. Healing is the order of my day. Life supports me towards my magnificent destiny. And so it is, Amen".

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