Have you ever glanced at someone and felt what's going on in their heart? I'm sure you have. Now, this insight is much stronger with people we truly love, our family members, spouses, siblings, children. People that become more in tune with their own emotions and are not shut down, will tend to pick up others vibes more freely. Here is the challenge though, speaking personally: The line between being in compassion and falling in immense personal pain becomes really thin when you see your loved one suffering. I'm sure you've experienced that as well. Walking this thin line is a work of art. It really takes mastery to stand your ground and be able to remain in compassion rather than fall into personal pain, or rather disappointment. Life is the measurement of each of our moments that passe our awareness in simple glance. It's the quality of the moment that remains eternal and carries it's vibrancy to re-create the next moment. The balancing act of staying in love, peace, and compassion rather than falling into your fears, disappointment, and personal pain has been a major challenge for me as a human being and will be. What helps me move forward is giving my best in the moment and allowing my loved one to experience what they need to experience. Having faith that I am not running this show, that there is a guidance within all of us guiding us. I'm just a simple observer and there are many things that I'm not in control of. There is an element of detachment to the outcome, detachment from trying, focusing in the Being aspect of the moment and letting go. As long as I'm aware of this state of consciousness, I can handle my pain. The moment I get distracted by my wants, needs, and fears, I fall deep into darkness. It's a constant struggle, yet it makes me rise above merely being a physical body. It challenges me to be more connected within, rather than identify with my emotions being controlled by what's happening around me. Love you guys....Namaste.
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in peace. I trust the universe to handle the details of my life. I have faith, I am strong, and I am in tune with my passion for loving and healing others. I am available and receptive to more abundance and success than I've ever imagined before. Joy is the order of my day. Kindness shines its healing light on my heart. I release and let Go. I let go and Let God."
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