Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Shine it up, Baby

Start of a new beginning, a fresh breath, a deep meaningful thought, a new perspective of where you are and where you are heading to. Every moment of life is a beginning of an end and an end of something you've started to do. However, you can be an eternal quality, in eternity by realizing who you Are. We've just started a new month of September, even though I'm a day behind this post because yesterday I was at this most beautiful place in the mountains and all day I was contemplating my existence, my being in life, my purpose, mission, goals, and desires. My mind was completely still most of the day as I was hiking, feeling one with nature, the mountain, the beautiful pine trees, the lake. It was a full day in meditation and introspection. I'm still carrying that energy as I just finished coming out of meditation. I'm holding you in the highest vibration of love energy. If you take a deep breath, put your right hand on your heart, and feel your chest rising up as you inhale, and then breath out, follow your chest contracting while you exhale, you'll realize that the energy behind these words are coming from total compassion. It's deriving from a still mind that doesn't mind to see you successful, joyous, peaceful, abundant, healthy and happy. It's coming from insight, an in-sight derived from a place of No-thingness where it's being translated to what you are reading. Imagine you are stepping into a bubble of golden/white energetic LIGHT. As you enter right now, feel your entire vibration increasing, your cellular DNA releasing any dis-ease or in dis-harmony attached to it from conditioning. You are increasing your energy level and setting forth an intention to step into this month with full on vigor. With faith and resilience as two of your masters, holding you in their arms, guiding you to a beautiful destiny. Do not resist change, as change is the only constant in the universe. Flow with it, allow the highest best for the creative vision of your soul to manifest. This is your month to shine, to love, and to be the greatest you are meant to be. Feel it , believe it, BE IT....I'll be guiding you along the way - Namaste.

Affirmation: "It's my time to shine my light. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. Change is the name of my game. I play it with full on vigor, faith, and resilience. I am available and receptive to more love, more abundance, and more giving than I've ever imagine possible. Gratitude exudes through every cell of my being. Passion is my fuel to a successful BEING, then becoming a beneficial presence on our planet. I am ready and willing to live a life of purpose and significance, NOW, and so it is ,,,,,Amen...."..


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