Cancel your appointment with disappointment today. Have You noticed how many times without even noticing, we set an appointment with disappointment with ourselves? I surely do and it stems from a faulty thought of "I am not good enough". This thought is so common on our community. It starts from a very young age when your parents start comparing you to other kids. Their way of encouraging you is to judge you with someone else's talents, how many A's they bring on their report cards, and what kind of school they get into. The love that you came from and is part of the fiber of your being is unconditional. That's the energy behind what we call LOVE, an eternal field of pure potentiality, consciousness, or intention. The love you get introduced by your society, parents, and then as you get to know yourself better becomes 'conditional'. Having a "If, then" format. If you do this and behave like this, then I'll give you this and show you that. The only person that can reverse the void and that empty space in your heart is You. It's done by getting in silence meditation regularly and connect to that deep unconditional love energy that resides underneath the empty space in your heart. Don't fool yourself by trying to get it form other people or finding it in the materialistic world. It's a total illusion. That route will get you to a dead end. It will make you run and run, until you come to a cross road to finally surrender and go within. I'm telling you, been there, done that. Now, I'm inviting you to pause and acknowledge your infinite being and the only source of unconditional love that exists. Deep within your own heart and soul. Discover it, make love to it, and give away as much as it as possible to others so they can also cancel their appointment with disappointment. So they can once again see the glory of their own lively being shining forth into eternity. Smiling now? Good ......Namaste..
Affirmation: "I have and appointment with excellence today. My life is full of beauty and joy. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. life affirms is's miracles through every aspect of my being . I am full of abundance and prosperity, gratitude and peace, creativity and activated genius. I am available for more miracles to show up in my life. I trust the universe."
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