You know how it feels like when you really miss someone? I'm sure you are either experiencing it or have experienced it before. It's a surge of energy that can't be explained too well. It's a void, an emptiness that is yearning to get filled. Have you ever gotten to a point where you've missed yourself? Sometimes, you get so caught up in daily stuff that you forget about yourself. At the end of the day, you think back and say: What happened to me? We are traveling through an infinite space in eternity. What you feel as missing is the part of you that's leading you to remember who you are. It's a part of you that's searching to get information and awaken to its authentic Self. It's an urge, an impulse, a thirst for transforming into something greater than what Is, yet it's first requirement is to See what it Is, accept it, love it unconditionally, and then trust that you'll discover more of it by surrendering to what Is. Do I make sense? Today, look deep inside that feeling of 'missing' the part of you you've been looking for. Notice it, embrace it, and give it a hug on my behalf.....Peace..
Affirmation: "I am that, I Am. All that I Am is the I Am.".
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