Have you ever been caught up in the darkest moments of your life? I have. Way in the past where I couldn't even get out of bed because of being so severely depressed and hopeless. There are many people that are going through the dark night of their Soul right now. Many of them will find the courage and reach out for help. They will extend their hand towards you to lift them out from this darkness and show them the light. The real test is: ARE YOU WILLING to step out of your EGO and comfort zone, from the sense of separation you've been taught from the society, and actually open your heart to help them? The universe will put you to test on a moment by moment basis. Depending on your perception, you'll either hear the cries of those needing your help and act on it, or you turn your back around. You'll fall into the illusion of separation and ignore the call. Imagine if your have pain in your leg. Rather than addressing the pain and see the connection of your leg to the whole body, you'll cut it off and tell yourself; well; it has nothing to do with me. I've got other parts working for me. When the time comes and you are being tested, stop, let go of your judgment about the reasons behind why another human being is asking so desperately for your help, open you heart and give them a chance. You never know, you may just save a life with your smile. You may shift their entire course of existence just by you saying YES! Are you in for this, in for YES? ......Namaste
Affirmation: "I am committed to excellence. My life is the shining light to awaken my fellow spiritual beings. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. Abundance is the order of my day. I am inspired and grateful for making a positive change in the world. I am available to more prosperity than I can ever imagine possible. Peace and beauty knock on my door today. I open my heart, allow them in , and take my step in pure faith in alignment with the universe......."
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