In our life a lot of things happens that we don't really know the reasons for. Sometimes there are absolutely not justification for them. I like this saying and I believe in it. It makes life easier for me to glide through: "Pain is inevitable, yet suffering is optional". As a human being, it's inevitable for me to experience pain. Even my physical body is designed with trillions of pain receptors to give me insights as dis-ease starts taking over my body. It gives me warnings, it directs me to take action and find the cause. Emotional pain is the same. It comes through layers of experiences, the old selves, the younger version of me that went through life's challenges and didn't really know what to do with the pain. As you direct your life towards the path of LIGHT and Self realization, healing starts to take over those areas of pain that has turned into emotional suffering. The suffering was never of your making. You simply didn't know better to deal with the immense pain that had happened. A gentle way of looking at the past can create an avenue for the release of the suffering which many time has caused guilt. Guilt is detrimental as it carries a very low vibration frequency in your emotional body, tying your arms and legs, imprisoning you within your own thoughts, and disabling your growth process. It keeps you in the past and robs your from the experience of the present moment. The way to clear guilt is the knowing that you did the best you knew to deal with the pain you went through. Become aware of it, find the gap between your higher Self, and what keeps on triggering your suffering through the guilt. It's possible to let go and heal of this energy when you are willing and accept the choice of 'possibility'. I went through a deep process about these dynamics yesterday with a client of mine, walking her through the different layers and energy knots that has caused her suffering. As she said: "Healing is a process", and it's a beautiful process when you take dominion over your life. When your intention becomes one which is bigger than yourself and includes the shift into optimism and love for the entire humanity. Your experience will transform in the service to others. For this, I'm totally grateful....Namaste..
Affirmation: "I am whole, perfect, and complete creation of the mind of God. I am living, moving, and having my being in joy. Healing is the order of my day. I am available to more prosperity than I've ever imagined. I intend to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I intend to heal and change the world. I intend to show the face of God as I AM, as Who and What I Really Am, and so it is , Amen".
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