Tuesday, September 9, 2014


"Relationship" is the ship you tend to take your relations together on a journey where each Soul recognizes it's own glory. How? Through seeking the highest experience of all things, which is living and immersing in pure LOVE. Would you ever drill a hole in your own ship thinking that it won't bother anyone else? I don't think so, because not only you'll sink yourself, but you'll go on the path of destruction to others. There are so many of us that run away from Self love, yet we expect others to love us for who we are. We self sabotage and live in guilt for whatever gives us pleasure. We get caught up with rules of society, religion, parents, and social stigma, hiding behind our masks, living a pretentious life. I know it has crossed your mind or you've lived it at some point in your life. I certainly have. Remember, in order to experience a successful relationship, you have to start getting in tune with yourself. first. Check yourself out. In Farsi we say: "Khodeto daryab". Look in the mirror and see who you are dealing with. Clean up the nasty stuff that don't belong in your heart and allow love take you over. You have a lifetime to master this most important task your Soul begs you to do. Don't run wild looking to get a fix high by others who boost up your Ego and tell you who you Are. You are the captain of your Ship in relations to the entire universe. You are the guide, you are the light, and you have full dominion over which direction to sail your ship towards. Give up the excuses and blaming others for your problems. You are your own master and creator of the life you are living.......Namaste.

Affirmation: "I am the master of my own ship. My relationships are shot through the mind of eternity. I am living, moving, and having my being in LOVE with all of my relationships. I am confident and joyous, trustworthy and fulfilled. I am available to more prosperity than I've ever imagined possible. Life affirms it's blessings in every area of my being. Joy is the order of my day. Peace is all I experience and see. And so it is, amen"


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