Saturday, September 6, 2014

Have some nuts

Where are your thoughts at right now? No matter where you are in your personal life, you'll notice that there is room to grow, to expand, and to become more. This is a principal and one that I use daily to make a shift in myself so that I get more out of life. I don't quit, even though sometimes I get frustrated and anxious about life itself. One thing that always helps me to get my butt back on track is the sense of awe and appreciation. Whenever I'm centered in my Self, I tap into this surge of incredible awe for nature. As I do my hikes, I get mesmerized by the rocks, landscape, trees, and everything that's there. I was walking with my client yesterday at a park and we ran into a squirrel who was munching on a nut. For a second I became that squirrel and observed life from her perspective looking at us looking at her. It was one of those milliseconds of becoming one with oneness. Have you had that happen to you? I'm sure it has. I started hearing the thoughts of the squirrel laughing her brains out at us. Really! She was looking at our Ego and problems as nothing but a distorted imagination that distance ourselves from our natural state of being. She was so into the nut, chewing it at 1000 beats per second, not getting tired, and not giving a care in the world to anything else. Her tail was raised and with those beautiful brown eyes she was telling me to say this here, now:" Life is precious in every moment. Think before you act and get out of your daily complaints. Stop being a victim. You are more powerful than you think you are, more gracious, and more magnificent. If you can't handle a nagging problem in your thoughts, just grab a nut and chew on it." Clever little squirrel. I'm in awe and appreciation for her message. Today, I let go of my little nagging voice in my head and have some nuts instead out in nature. Namaste.

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. Joy is the order of my day. I release and let go, I let go and let NUT. I am available and receptive to more abundance than I've ever imagined, manifested, or experienced before. The universe supports me. I am worthy, I am confident, I am peaceful, and I am free. Healing is revealing itself in every area of my life. and so it is , Amen..".

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