Friday, December 28, 2012

Your Oringins into NO-THING!

Have you ever thought where you originated from? Really, you may think you originated from your parents courtship and boom, all of the sudden you transformed into a stem cell, multiplying exponentially into a little fetus and forward. I want you to shift this perception and realize something. What where you before your parents gametes? Where were you residing? Let me ask you this,,,as you are reading this, consider your thoughts. Where are your thoughts coming from? Where are they going? What's their origin? Now going back to you, I want you to allow this possibility that your origin is from NO-THING, meaning you are pure spirit of light, of infinite potential, a continuous infinite BEING unfolding. Think about it and wrap your mind around this idea. Even your thoughts are tripping. YOU ARE AN INFINITE, ETERNAL BEING, occupying this sacred body in order to reflect and reveal the infinite mind of God, or the universe, or the cosmos! Here is something else: How can you loose someone forever when there is nothing to loose? Our bodies goes through energy shifts and transformation, we go from this time and space, transforming into our true essence which is light and unconditional love. You know that energy is never created or destroyed, right? So, how can you loose a loved one forever when you know in fact they are right there besides you , sending their blessings, love, and support from ultimate reality, The TRUTH,,,,God Itself,,,, right back to YOU! I'm grateful for you reading this and invite you to strengthen your faith into what matters most. What matters most is to keep moving forward, trusting that life is for us and not against us, knowing that we are here for a divine purpose to reflect and reveal that absolute perfection of the only thing that was, is , and ever will be! you god it , That's the Truth within your soul, that's God of the infinite cosmos and love, THAT'S WHO YOU ARE!

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