Saturday, December 15, 2012

Shift Happens!

What are you GROWING THROUGH? This year has been of incredible challenges for many people. I get emails and letters from all over the world, people sharing what they are going through and it really amazes me. Relationship changes, financial challenges, health issues, and more. They are looking for answers and reasons of why this shifts are happening. 2012 has been of an amazing turn around in my
own personal life as well. All I can say is to stay strong, keep your FAITH intact, and plant the seed of HOPE in your life. There is a planetary shift at subatomic levels going on, increasing the earth vibration and human consciousness. The old thought patterns and state of beings are shifting into higher spiritual vibrations. People coming together, tyranny falling, old financial structure crumbling. At a personal level, the EGOIC mind is loosening it's grip on the old and CONSCIOUSNESS, YOUR SOUL IS COMING RIGHT THROUGH! The problems you are going through are pulling you into your AUTHENTIC SELF, your true self. Sometimes, in order for us to grow, we go through IMMENSE PAIN. Pain pushes you until a vision pulls you towards your divine destiny. Discover your VISION OF LIFE, strengthen your FAITH, do the inner work of MEDITATION AND PRAYERS. Spend as much time as possible asking yourself this question: WHAT IS THE CREATIVE PURPOSE OF MY SOUL? Then, allow the answer to guide your life! WELCOME TO EARTH,,,,HANG IN THERE...HANG IN THERE MY FRIENDS, IT'S GONNA BE ALRIGHT!

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