Saturday, December 15, 2012

Rain Drop

Earlier this morning I was hiking at my beautiful trail close to my house. The mountain is truly my sanctuary. I love hiking specially when it's freezing cold like today. There are couple of different trails that I normally take. The one I took today we call "The Butt Burner", because it's relentless. It goes up a 70 degree hill for a good 40 minutes with only few feet of flat landmarks. Thus, your Butt really burning after finishing climbing. As I started this, I felt the rocks underneath my shoes, sliding a little here and there because of the mud. I tuned into my breath, inhaling deep breath and exhaling slowly, moving up step by step. I could see my breath coming out, freezing cold, steaming through my face. I tuned into my entire body, my hands, lower back, knees, and feet. I imagined the oxygen I'm inhaling going through my lungs, mixing up with my blood, and getting pumped all over my body through my heart. My mind slowed down, my focus and attention only to my surroundings. Listening to the trees, the rocks, the grass around. Feeling the air, feeling the sun slowly showing up through the branches. As I worked myself up this hill, I started paying attention to the rain droplets on the leaves. 20 minutes into my hike, I stopped and tuned into one rain drop. It was hanging on the tip of this beautiful green leaf. Half of it's volume on the tip and the other half hanging freely in the middle of the air. As I went closer, I noticed my own reflection in the droplet. I completely lost myself in its molecules, feeling the chemical energy of water. I started wondering where this droplet came from. It once was a cloud that came from the oceans. I felt the clouds inside every nerve of my body. Before the clouds it was part of the ocean. So, I felt the ocean in my blood, gushing through my arteries, feeding every cell in my body. As I stared at this gorgeous droplet, I felt like tasting it. So, I moved closer to the leaf and stuck my tongue out to rescue the droplet. My eyes crossed as I got closer and closer with my tongue to finally make contact. Suddenly, the droplet was part of me, jumping to the tip of my tongue and becoming part of my entire being. It tasted delicious. It had so much energy stored in it. I felt my body shivering and waking up to the power of this simple, little droplet. So life giving, so pure, so refreshing. I had the biggest smile on my face. I moved back, picked up a rock from underneath this tree and held it in my hands. I was meditating the entire time after on my experience with this rain droplet. For the next hour and a half, I was taken away by this experience, connected to nature, connected to the universe and everything in it. Thanking my creator for giving me the insights to feel the oneness with everything around me. I told myself that I will share this experience as well as I possibly can with everyone. Thus, writing right now and passing it on to you.

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