Friday, January 23, 2015

One, two, one, one, two

"One, two, one, one, two. One, two, one, one, two. I love my morning exercise. Actually, it's my dance. My favorite part of the day is when I'm chilling on the top of the tree. Ya, I choose the highest point because I'm closest to the sun. I'm feeling it. I love the warmth on my feathers. One, two, one, one, two. There we go. Shake it baby. I love the soft wind that's going in between my feathers and mixing it up with some cool air as the heat of the sun caresses my body. I feel balanced. I feel in tune. Do you hear it? There is a song in the universe, a melody, a divine orchestrated perfection coming from every angle. It's coming from the leaves, from the trees, from the rock, from the dirt, from other birds in the sky, and from every sentient being that is breathing in and breathing out. They can here it. I wonder if this dumb ass hiker who's having so much negative thoughts and staring at me hears it. He may. The poor guy is trying. It's not his fault. He's go an EGO that I don't have. He's got to work for his peace while us on the other hand, we just ARE. Oh ya baby, one, two, one, one, two. I like how he's observing my head movement to the left, right, left, left, right. One, two, one, one, two. He's getting it. He's noticing that I'm dancing with the tune of universe. He's finally understanding that we are one. Me the hummingbird, what a cute name they chose for me, even though I am much more than what these close minded human beings have named us. Yes, I am more. I am ONE with the universal love, the peace, the beauty, the creativity, and the impulse of creation. I don't try to be it, I am IT. This hiker is getting it. He's in tune with me and my dance. He's coming to the same frequency as me and my friends are. My friends the tree, the sun, the sky, the wind, and the rocks. The mountain top and the peace that is exuding from the intricacy of our being. We know we are ONE, I wonder how much longer will it take for the human race, for these so called 'advanced being' to get this simple TRUTH. I'll just continue dancing to my truth and show off my long beak with my small cute head to this amazed hiker who's smiling at me: Here we go; One, Two, One, One, Two...Shake it baby. It's a gorgeous day everyday, every moment, with every breath....I AM....Namaste"......-THE SEXY HUMMINGBIRD 

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. All of my needs are met. I am in flow with the universal tune of beauty, joy, peace, and compassion. My life is direct emanation of the only life that exist, the life of God. I am available to more prosperity than I've ever imagined before. I am guided and inspired by my intentions. I intend to be free and at peace. I intend to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I am grateful, and so it is, amen"....have a spectacular day....One, two, one, one, two,,

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