Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Becoming who you ARE

"The more you ARE, the more you can BECOME, and the more you can become, the more you can yet BE."...I just came out of a deep meditation and was contemplating the above quote. This has profound implication in our lives. The more you ARE your authentic Self, meaning that you are in integrity with your Soul To be in integrity means you are walking in the direction of light. To a place where your true nature is in harmony with 'nature' itself. Where you see weakness in strength, and strength in weakness. The world of paradox is in harmony with itself, and we live in a world of paradox where the opposites of different concepts become the end of a beginning and a beginning to an end. Ultimately falling in the greatest mystery of eternity. The more you ARE focusing in this direction to discover your Self, the more you BECOME in tune with your SELF. As you walk in this direction, the universe will set you up in infinite possibilities for the manifestation of what Is for your highest best. Thus, giving you opportunity to BE more of what you just intended. So, are you ready to Be more of who you Are and in this process Become the vortex of transformation for everyone else around you getting lifted up? That's your choice my friend. If you ask me, I'd say, go for it. There is nothing else to do in this world than BE!......Namaste....Dr. Rod...+1

Affirmation: "I am free in the spirit of God. All of my needs are met. Everything happnes for my higher good. I walk the the direction of who I Am. I am love, I am peace, I am joy. I am receptive to more abundance and success than I've ever manifested before. Life supports me in the path of my BECOMING. I am light, I am compassion, I am a blessing. The universe responds by corresponding to my nature. I am the sun, I am the wind, I am the earth, I am the peace I want to see in our world. Healing is the order of my day. I am ONE....and so it is , amen"...

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