Start owning those aspect of you that seems to be distasteful, ugly, or very painful. What you deny, you declare. When you declare something, could be whatever it is, you'll create it. So, if you want to heal yourself through the lower negative thoughts of yourself, don't deny it baby, just own it. Recognize it for what it is. Then, recognize What IS over what it is. What Is, is the absolute Truth of you which is a perfect Being of light and love. To get to What IS, you got to let go of What it is you think you are that doesn't serve you anymore. This is what I mean by owning it up. Don't judge yourself. Accept yourself for what it is and stop making up stories that paint a different picture of who you really are. There are times that we become extremely vulnerable and confused, maybe right now this is one of those moments you are experiencing or you know someone who is experiencing it. I'm here to give you the Good news. The Good news is that you are All that Is, and All that Is NOT.....Start opening your heart and take a deeper look at your Self. Embrace all aspects of you. I know you are smiling right now. Here is another GREAT NEWS. I just became a very proud uncle again to my new born nephew 2 hours ago. I am extremely grateful for this beautiful gift. What Is, is miracles all around us. What Is NOT, is the eternal source of what Is......Namaste +1 c -2......Dr. Rod...
Affirmation: "I am available and receptive to more miracles in every area of my life. I am living, moving, and having my being in total abundance. Joy is the order of my day. I am grateful and thankful for being an agent for transformation. I live in bliss and peace. Prosperity knocks on my door today. I share my gifts freely with the world and inspire in total freedom of my own choice. "....and so it is,,,Amen.
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