Monday, October 20, 2014

An admirable Pearl

I wish I was a sea shell. Laying beneath the clear waters of the ocean, on a white sand beach. I'd be having my entire body bathed and caressed by the oceanic waves, in the warmth of the sun all day long. I could feel the sun on my outer shells getting reflected back to the sky, keeping me warm and cozy. I'm at peace with myself, receiving the love from the sun, the ocean, and the sand beneath my body. I'd be watching the waves going over my head and feeling their energy as some of them carry me away to different parts of the world. Inside of me, I have a treasure, a beautiful gemstone, a lovely pearl. This is a hidden part of me waiting to be discovered, it's the manifestation of all the outer elements in my world condensed and shaped to become this precious pearl. I've given it my Soul and it has become my inner essence. As I wait, evolve, and am discovered to higher levels of consciousness, my outer EGOic shell is broken in pieces, the pearl of my heart becomes a gift to lovers of life. I turn into a jewel, become a gift, a sign of appreciation, love, kindness, and pure joy. I am eternal. I am an eternal pearl, a gem , living in infinity and shining my brilliant light by giving hope, in the darkness and shadows of broken hearts. I am an admirable pearl. I value my worth and cherish my authenticity. I am , God Is......Namaste.. +1...Dr. Rod..

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I value my worth and respect my authenticity. My life is Divine. I am whole, perfect, and complete. I am healed. I intend to heal and be healed. Joy is the order of my day. I am available to more abundance, success, prosperity, and peace than I've ever imagined possible. Come what may. All of my needs are met in this second. ".

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