This is an invitation for an instant transformation. My intention is to right here right now transmute your thought from a lower level of energy to higher. If you are up for this, just take a deep breath and read on. As you take another breath, hold it for as long as you can, you may want to re-read this piece again. Hold your breath at the point of you base chakra, which is the bottom of your vertebral column. Imagine a beautiful golden light energy flowing down the path of your spine, ending right where your lower back is. In its highest form of concentration, it'll start radiating down both legs and out through your feet into the ground. Take another breath, hold it, and concentrate in at your base chakra again. Imagine the same golden light now shining out in a halo effect through out your entire body. As it rises up, to the point of your first eye chakra, between your eyebrows, it''ll start transmuting thoughts of worry, fear, and lack into peace, love, and abundance. With each breath, worry, fear, and lack start dissolving into peace love, and abundance. Your inner transformation from a dense form illuminates into a God giving light of joy, liberation, harmony, compassion, and beauty. Start feeling your Real Self communicating as you reading on and feeling the authenticity of your Soul vibrating in between every cell of your body. Each breath will elevate your awareness to more openness, more realization, more Truth, more creativity, and more harmony. You start standing tall, standing confident with full on vigor, knowing your purpose in this very moment. Which is? Realizing your strength, gaining hope, connecting to Faith, and rising up in individual consciousness which will effect the collective consciousness. We are all connected and are all ONE BEING of love. Our true essence is to Realize and expand this into eternity. Your experience of going through this writing has aligned you in this field of consciousness and anchored heaven on earth into eternity, beyond time, beyond space. Remain open and receptive for a miracle happening in your life today and extend a helping hand to someone that needs your help. God bless you.....Namaste.....+1,C-4.....-Dr. Rod..
Affirmation: "I Am that, I Am. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I am available and receptive to more Good than I can possibly imagine. Miracles show up in every area of my life. Healing is the order of my day. Abundance and kindness flow through my life with ease and grace. I am JOY manifested. ".
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