Good morning life! you know we always ask each other: "How are you?" well, lets change this to "Who, How, What, and Why are you?". Knowing who you truly are is the secret to your freedom from the thoughts of less than, not enough, and negativity that dominates us. How you are is the function of your perception relative to the wholeness of Who you are. What you are is in constant flow once you realize the Who and align yourself with your Why. Why, Why, Why, is the ultimate question. Feel your heart. Feel your breath. Notice everything happens in a cycle. There is contraction and there is expansion period. There is Night and then the Day following it. Notice where you are in life. If you are experiencing the low, know that you'll get to the top sooner than you think. As you get to the top, your top will become the low for a higher top. Therefore, always expanding and experiencing your higher Good. Have faith my friend. You are on purpose. You decide what your WHY is in alignment with your Who, What, and How to fulfill your Why....Wishing you a magnificent day full of love and beauty... How are you NOW? ....Namaste.....Dr. Rod..
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I intend to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I intend to heal and change the world. I intend to show the face of God as Who I Am. As Who and What I truly Am. Who being the singular manifestation of the What. What being the invisible, yet indivisible presence that is everywhere. I am available and receptive to more Good than I can ever imagine. Miracles show up in every are of my life. I am peaceful, I am grateful. My Why is in alignment with my Who and What......."
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