Sunday, October 19, 2014

Let it Be

In the midst of chaos, open up to the space where you are vulnerable to a new experience. A new experience stems from an original thought. This thought has to be cultivated from the depth of your Soul. You can activate it by diving in your heart and start practicing meditation. A sponsoring, creative thought is only yours. It's not corrupted by the negative energy of what others want or expect from you. There's no judgment in it. It is free from fear. Fear of self destruction, criticism, and proving yourself for nothing, to no-one. Once you have caught this thought, practice affirming it in your present state of Being. As an affirmative optimist, you can hold a higher vibration to chose an action that is in harmony with Good. Thus, changing your Reality and Life. If you are feeling stuck where you are, don't resist it, don't give up, seek to change your sponsoring thought in order to manifest that which your Soul is yearning to BE, Do, then finally Have as an experience! +1 Namaste.....Dr. Rod...

Affirmation: "I forgive and let go, I let go and let God. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher Good. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, health, wealth, happiness, love, joy, peace, prosperity, and healing than I've ever imagined possible. I walk with full on vigor and passion in my heart manifesting my Soul's desire in every moment, with each breath in and out. My life is Divine. In this divinity I chose to Be, Do, and Have it ALL. Life supports me. I live in a friendly Universe and just allow it to BE. And so it is,,,Amen...."

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