Living in fear is the same as being dead while you are alive. Unfortunately, this phenomenon can happen to any caring individual who hears a sudden bad news. Specially if they hear that they have terminal dis-ease. Our society emphasizes so much on this concept of 'terminal'. Doctors deliver a 'dead end' news based on research, numbers, and statistics of prognostic factors regarding an illness which many times wont turn out to become REALITY. For a Soul that is very attached to this material world, there is a major shift in their state of being. They go through a shock, recognizing everything as finite and their return movement back to their origin becomes extremely difficult to understand. For the people surrounding these individuals, it becomes enormously challenging to deal with this concept. 'LOSS' in our culture is extremely heavy. To the point that we get into fight with God, judging it as an unjust, unfair, or finding ourselves in conflict with natural order of life itself. These are understandable given the degree of your faith, depth of understanding of your purpose in life, and knowing your divine Self as a Spiritual being having a temporary human incarnation. When someone is going though their process of accepting their terminal illness, be patient with them. Also know that many cases can reverse and many dis-eases are healed. What happens first is that they become absolutely hopeless and helpless. They become vulnerable as they were when they decided to come to this world and experience life as a baby. The return movement back to our origin is not fearful. It's a natural process of life. We don't loose anything, because we are infinite beings of light. We are one with God and life itself. The creative mind behind the creation of our universe can not be terminal, it's always expansive and expressing in infinite forms. You are the perfect image and reflection of that creation. There is form, formless, and what's beyond the formless form which is who you are. Let Go of the Fear and for those who are in a situation dealing with someone who is experiencing their divine return, 'HAVE TOTAL COMPASSION FOR YOUR LOVED ONES'. They will come in term with their own journey once they see beyond their fear. Your Soul knows when to bring in that awareness as you feel the love, peace, joy, beauty, and the perfection of this process by evolving through your unique path. Be patient, be loving, and give hope to your loved ones by focusing their attention in the present moment and re-connecting them back to their infinite nature, which is absolute LOVE......Namaste.....+1, +2.....Dr. Rod...
Affirmation: "I am one with God, one with Life, one with my Divine Destiny. Fear dissolves in the light of Faith, Compassion and love are the protectors of my Soul. I am living, moving, and having my being in joy. I am available to more good than I can ever imagine possible. Miracles show up in my life and the life of my loved ones. I hold the space of healing for everyone, with pure intention and care. I forgive and let Go, I let Go and let God. With absolute gratitude and appreciation I release these words into eternity and just let it be. And so it is.....Amen..."..
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