To me, respecting women of the world takes the most important position if we want to move towards healing the world. Why? Because women are the creators, nurtures, and the closest beings connected to the concept of ONENESS. They are the ones that actually feel what it feels like to be one with another human being inside their womb for 9 month. They know what it takes to take care of their children, unconditionally love, and protect them. The sense of separation which is the root of all of our challenges today does not exist in a woman's heart towards her child. This we take for granted and don't pay too much attention. We don't give our mothers the respect they deserve and our wives, sisters, daughters the unconditional love they must experience in order to feel the wholeness within them. The yan energy ultimately likes to separate, create doubt, induce fear, and compete with other males in order to subjugate the nourishing, loving, yin energy. It's an imbalance that has created the wars of our society, the neglect and struggles between nations. It's time to re-cognize the true power of nature which is beautifully demonstrated in women as they give birth to life from the deepest places within their heart. That love carries over regardless if the child deserts his/or her mom. I've experienced it with my own mom and sisters. No matter what the kids do, we always have the safety net to go back to an open arm. It amazes me how patient and compassionate woman are when it comes to their children. I respect that and adore this quality as many men lack. Something to think about and hold sacred. If you want to heal the world, think as if you are separate from NOTHING. Remember women and their fetuses in their womb, the sense of ONENESS that we all came from. Cherish it, respect it, and see how our outer world changes as we change our inner world. Respect mother earth today. Simple, yet very sophisticated and beautiful.....As you are ! Namaste.....Dr. Rod....+1, c -1
"I love and respect the creator God of love. I cherish and take a stand to be the protector of peace, the agent of compassion, and the lover of life. I am living, moving, and having my being in beauty. I am available and receptive to more abundance and prosperity than I've ever imagine. Healing is a thought away. Creativity is my name and nature. I am grateful for my existence and thankful to be alive for just another day. And so it is,,,Amen.."
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