Practice seeing simplicity in the complicated. Imagine you are looking at a cell in your body. Look at it. It could be from any part. From your toe, calves, liver, lungs, heart, or brain. See it breathing on it's own. It has it's own individual command system in order to operate in perfection. Yet, this individual cell is connected to all 100 trillion cells in your body in perfect harmony. They join together in cooperation to form your tissue, organs, bones, blood, nerves and eventually what you see today in the mirror. Imagine a blood cell carrying oxygen to every cell in your body, nourishing it with a gift of life. As an observer now, you are acting as God, becoming aware of your individual part, but having the inherent knowing that you are a whole body. You Soul is also and individual party belonging to the whole body. The one eternal Soul that has no beginning and has no end. Your body is within this one Soul, Not only your body, but the entire physical manifestation of billions of bodies called humanity. The oxygenated blood feeding these billions of Soul bodies encompassed in the singular I Am, is unconditional love. That's the energy unique and universal within all of us. Now, you've observed your physical body and your Soul body to be one and the same as the physical body and the Soul body of the entire universe. The tree of life is as such. As a singular manifestation of infinite. Reflecting back on its own magnificence. Becoming aware of its incredible , delicate, and complicated perfection, but in a very simple way as YOU and ME, being ONE together......Take a deep breath, then release the sound of OHMMMMMMMM please.....Namaste.
Affirmation: : I am living, moving, and having my being in God. My life is divine. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, health, wealth, happiness, love, joy, peace, and prosperity than I've ever imagines. Healing is the order of my day. Giving is the nature of my being. I am grateful and thankful for my insights and awareness. ".
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