Quieting your mind to the point that the only thing you hear is the pulse in your neck veins. Have you experienced that? You come across an infinite space of beauty. The vastness and limitless of this quality bewilders you, putting you in a state of humility. I love this state of humility when you see yourself as one with the source, never ending, swimming in a sea of abundant energy that is inexhaustible. As you allow yourself to get pulled even deeper in this endless place, you'll realize that whatever you've been searching for is seeded deep within your Soul. As you go about your life and hit the bumps along your journey, open yourself up to discovering the deeper aspect of your Soul. When you get frustrated, ask this question: What good is here that I currently can not see? This is a powerful question that will shift your perception from limiting impossibility to limitless possibility. It's in the moment you shift your energy from what's not working to I am available to see what good is here that your experience changes. practice going within and connecting to that limitless place I was trying to describe to you earlier. I'm here right now. These words are coming from this space and are embedded in total energy of unconditional love. As they are coming through me, they are intended to uplift your spirit and to align you in a direction of personal transformation. There is a healing going on that is revealing itself through every area of your life. Relax, be at peace, and enjoy your journey in this very second. God bless you.
Affirmation: "My life is the direct emanataion of the only life that exists, the life of God. I am living, moving, and having my being in love. I am aligned with infinite possibilities for the highest good of my Soul. Life affirms itself. Joy affirms itself. Peace affirms itself. I intend to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I am grateful and in awe for the co-creative power of intention supporting in fulfilling my destiny. I am on purpose with a purpose.'.
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