Friday, October 24, 2014


The power of silence. Can you hear it getting louder? Fall back in love with yourself over and over. This is the moment, a pause in eternity. Yes, right here, right now as you take a deep breath, you can pause eternity in a blissful moment and connect to your inner being. An awareness into the expansion within your heart and clear expression of divinity by your Soul. Stop, listen, breath, go within. You are one with the presence which is never an absence. Never again you'll feel lonely when you feel your oneness with the source of what has ever been. You are being reminded here, to know through wisdom and through guidance of your higher Self which does not need a special time, technique, or a process to do. Can you smile often? If you can and you are willing to do this today, I promise that the ecstasy of your connection will appear in total effortlessness. You'll notice beauty everywhere you gaze your eyes on, seeing with the eye beyond the eye, through total awareness, you will transform your being in constant becoming. Becoming what? Becoming a beacon of light, of love, of pure consciousness, of total unity with the entire universe, and a joyful source of giving to the entire planet. Are you smiling now? .

Affirmation: "I love my life. I am living, moving, and having my Being in absolute connection with my heart and my soul. My life is divine. I am available for miracles showing up in every area of my existence. Today, is a magnificent day. I live with inner passion and total trust with the universal source to guide me through every moment. Peace is the order of my day. Abundance flows to me in harmony. I am joy, I am ecstasy, I am bliss..."

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