The simplest path is the clearest. Sometimes the road to personal liberation is not easy. Specially in the case of forgiveness. However, in order to move on and bring in the new, one must For-give the past constantly. For-giveness is giving forth that undiscovered aspect of you that may have been scarred from different situations or people in life. These qualities once discovered will radiate as love, courage, and compassion towards yourself and others. We all have parts of ourselves that needs to be cleared from negative energies directed from outside. The act of forgiveness is the highest and most potent energy to untangle cords in your energy field, washing away anger, and letting go of fear. Practice giving something away today and be FOR GIVING LOVE in every thought you consciously chose to think!
Friday, October 31, 2014
Thursday, October 30, 2014
This is your Day
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" and today my friend is your day to make that one step towards the evolution of your Soul. Towards becoming more than who and what you even imagine yourself to BE. This is the day for celebration, for recognition, and absolute appreciation of yourself. Knowing that you are truly worth living a beautiful life, full of abundance, success, and health. You know that I know. Because there is no separation between you and I. Right now, I'm uttering these words and the healing vibration of each word is deliberately raising your energy level by giving you an incentive to take that step, to break free from the old residues of guilt and shame, and stand tall. Stand strong. Stand in peace. Stand in finally knowing your worth, accepting all of YOU as YOU. This is the moment, this is your time, this is it! Now, you truly have a reason to go out and celebrate your existence, dancing your way through this beautiful day Happy New YOU :)))......Namaste
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in freedom. I am peace, I am joy, I am love, I am eternal truth. I am available and receptive to more abundance, prosperity, and health than I've ever imagined possible. Today, is a magnificent day for the manifestation of all my dreams. Just for today, I will take the next step in faith and harmony."
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in freedom. I am peace, I am joy, I am love, I am eternal truth. I am available and receptive to more abundance, prosperity, and health than I've ever imagined possible. Today, is a magnificent day for the manifestation of all my dreams. Just for today, I will take the next step in faith and harmony."
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
One Body, One Soul, One Life
Practice seeing simplicity in the complicated. Imagine you are looking at a cell in your body. Look at it. It could be from any part. From your toe, calves, liver, lungs, heart, or brain. See it breathing on it's own. It has it's own individual command system in order to operate in perfection. Yet, this individual cell is connected to all 100 trillion cells in your body in perfect harmony. They join together in cooperation to form your tissue, organs, bones, blood, nerves and eventually what you see today in the mirror. Imagine a blood cell carrying oxygen to every cell in your body, nourishing it with a gift of life. As an observer now, you are acting as God, becoming aware of your individual part, but having the inherent knowing that you are a whole body. You Soul is also and individual party belonging to the whole body. The one eternal Soul that has no beginning and has no end. Your body is within this one Soul, Not only your body, but the entire physical manifestation of billions of bodies called humanity. The oxygenated blood feeding these billions of Soul bodies encompassed in the singular I Am, is unconditional love. That's the energy unique and universal within all of us. Now, you've observed your physical body and your Soul body to be one and the same as the physical body and the Soul body of the entire universe. The tree of life is as such. As a singular manifestation of infinite. Reflecting back on its own magnificence. Becoming aware of its incredible , delicate, and complicated perfection, but in a very simple way as YOU and ME, being ONE together......Take a deep breath, then release the sound of OHMMMMMMMM please.....Namaste.
Affirmation: : I am living, moving, and having my being in God. My life is divine. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, health, wealth, happiness, love, joy, peace, and prosperity than I've ever imagines. Healing is the order of my day. Giving is the nature of my being. I am grateful and thankful for my insights and awareness. ".
Affirmation: : I am living, moving, and having my being in God. My life is divine. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, health, wealth, happiness, love, joy, peace, and prosperity than I've ever imagines. Healing is the order of my day. Giving is the nature of my being. I am grateful and thankful for my insights and awareness. ".
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Life is an Echo
The world outside is the direct emanation and manifestation of the world inside of you. We each have challenging times where we fall out of integrity with our Soul's and find ourselves in trouble. These challenges are potential opportunities to wake you up to the power that is inherent within your heart and your BEING. Sometimes, you'll need guidance, a shift in perception, a new thought, and a different experience to get you through. For inspirational life coaching, meditation, spiritual healing, and Reiki, call me up: 818-317-0839. You'll know if it's your calling and you'll know if you are ready to discover your purpose in life. I'll help you find that zest, passion, compassion, healing, forgiveness, happiness, and inner peace. Namaste
Monday, October 27, 2014
How are You?
Good morning life! you know we always ask each other: "How are you?" well, lets change this to "Who, How, What, and Why are you?". Knowing who you truly are is the secret to your freedom from the thoughts of less than, not enough, and negativity that dominates us. How you are is the function of your perception relative to the wholeness of Who you are. What you are is in constant flow once you realize the Who and align yourself with your Why. Why, Why, Why, is the ultimate question. Feel your heart. Feel your breath. Notice everything happens in a cycle. There is contraction and there is expansion period. There is Night and then the Day following it. Notice where you are in life. If you are experiencing the low, know that you'll get to the top sooner than you think. As you get to the top, your top will become the low for a higher top. Therefore, always expanding and experiencing your higher Good. Have faith my friend. You are on purpose. You decide what your WHY is in alignment with your Who, What, and How to fulfill your Why....Wishing you a magnificent day full of love and beauty... How are you NOW? ....Namaste.....Dr. Rod..
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I intend to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I intend to heal and change the world. I intend to show the face of God as Who I Am. As Who and What I truly Am. Who being the singular manifestation of the What. What being the invisible, yet indivisible presence that is everywhere. I am available and receptive to more Good than I can ever imagine. Miracles show up in every are of my life. I am peaceful, I am grateful. My Why is in alignment with my Who and What......."
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I intend to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I intend to heal and change the world. I intend to show the face of God as Who I Am. As Who and What I truly Am. Who being the singular manifestation of the What. What being the invisible, yet indivisible presence that is everywhere. I am available and receptive to more Good than I can ever imagine. Miracles show up in every are of my life. I am peaceful, I am grateful. My Why is in alignment with my Who and What......."
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Be Content
"Being content with what you have is always best in the end"- Lao Tzu.
Affirmation: "I am one with the universal source, one with love, one with eternity, one with life, one with unlimited joy, one with peace, one with compassion, one with abundance, one with kindness, one with healing, one with passion, one with creativity, and one with GOD. My life is divine. I am blessed and a blessing to others as I radiate my light into eternity. It's all happening NOW. Prosperity is happening NOW. Wisdom and Guidance are flowing through every fiber of my being and becoming the very essence of my existence. I am FREE"
Affirmation: "I am one with the universal source, one with love, one with eternity, one with life, one with unlimited joy, one with peace, one with compassion, one with abundance, one with kindness, one with healing, one with passion, one with creativity, and one with GOD. My life is divine. I am blessed and a blessing to others as I radiate my light into eternity. It's all happening NOW. Prosperity is happening NOW. Wisdom and Guidance are flowing through every fiber of my being and becoming the very essence of my existence. I am FREE"
Friday, October 24, 2014
The power of silence. Can you hear it getting louder? Fall back in love with yourself over and over. This is the moment, a pause in eternity. Yes, right here, right now as you take a deep breath, you can pause eternity in a blissful moment and connect to your inner being. An awareness into the expansion within your heart and clear expression of divinity by your Soul. Stop, listen, breath, go within. You are one with the presence which is never an absence. Never again you'll feel lonely when you feel your oneness with the source of what has ever been. You are being reminded here, to know through wisdom and through guidance of your higher Self which does not need a special time, technique, or a process to do. Can you smile often? If you can and you are willing to do this today, I promise that the ecstasy of your connection will appear in total effortlessness. You'll notice beauty everywhere you gaze your eyes on, seeing with the eye beyond the eye, through total awareness, you will transform your being in constant becoming. Becoming what? Becoming a beacon of light, of love, of pure consciousness, of total unity with the entire universe, and a joyful source of giving to the entire planet. Are you smiling now? .
Affirmation: "I love my life. I am living, moving, and having my Being in absolute connection with my heart and my soul. My life is divine. I am available for miracles showing up in every area of my existence. Today, is a magnificent day. I live with inner passion and total trust with the universal source to guide me through every moment. Peace is the order of my day. Abundance flows to me in harmony. I am joy, I am ecstasy, I am bliss..."
Affirmation: "I love my life. I am living, moving, and having my Being in absolute connection with my heart and my soul. My life is divine. I am available for miracles showing up in every area of my existence. Today, is a magnificent day. I live with inner passion and total trust with the universal source to guide me through every moment. Peace is the order of my day. Abundance flows to me in harmony. I am joy, I am ecstasy, I am bliss..."
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Healing Affirmations
I NEED YOUR HELP!!! Read carefully and listen up closely. You are about to participate in a grand vision of healing of mine that requires your dedication. Tell me right now, ARE you IN? or Are you OUT? If I've caught your attention, please read on. If not, please delete this post because it's not for you. Take a deep breath....Thank you for continuing to read. I am grateful. Now, I have a healer on my side that's willing to dedicate their Soul to heal themselves and others. Yesterday, I was with my friend David, who is going through major challenge with his health. It's not just his physical body that is in dis-ease, it's also his emotional and spiritual bodies. When you think of ONENESS, you realize that we are part of a WHOLE. Every person that's suffering on our planet is connected with each one of us. You and Me are ONE. I spent a lot of time with my friend, instilling hope and faith which he has lost for his healing process. I wrote him healing Affirmations which you see on the attached image. The first 20 affirmations on the left are what was designed for him, for you, and everyone on our planet who needs healing. The affirmations on the right, are universal as well. I wrote them up after meditation earlier this morning. Please do me a favor, save this image on your phone, get a print, put it somewhere you can see it. Read these affirmations at least twice a day, once before you sleep and once after your wake up. Read them as much as you can until each "I AM" becomes part of the fiber of your BEING. Have my friend in mind as you meditate, pray, and connect to your Soul and His while reading the affirmations. Hold him in light and love. Do the same for anyone you know that is going through challenges. "A true MASTER is not the one with the most students, but one who creates the most MASTERS"....Please forward this post, share it, and lets get as many people involve in this healing process as possible. Namaste....-Dr. Rod....+1,
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Monitor your Boundaries
Don't step into other people's boundaries. This is at all levels of existence. Meaning that our boundaries are physical, emotional, and mental. You can invade someone's energy field physically (rape), emotionally (manipulation through feelings), or through your thoughts (sending them negative thoughts, judging other people's belief systems, and thinking of yourself as 'better than' others). This is very important and requires your constant awareness. Ask yourself: Am I coming from FEAR or Am I coming from LOVE? Stay in tune with yourself and your personal matters rather than sticking your nose into other people's business. We each are responsible for ourselves. As you practice this, then by essence of your BEING, you will help thousands of people on their path to spiritual growth. Have a beautiful day...-Dr. Rod.
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. Life supports me. I am available to more miracles in every area of my life. I focus within. I am peace, I am prosperous, I am successful, I am whole perfect and complete as I was created. I intend to heal and be healed. The universe supports me and guides me to my divine destiny".
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. Life supports me. I am available to more miracles in every area of my life. I focus within. I am peace, I am prosperous, I am successful, I am whole perfect and complete as I was created. I intend to heal and be healed. The universe supports me and guides me to my divine destiny".
Monday, October 20, 2014
An admirable Pearl
I wish I was a sea shell. Laying beneath the clear waters of the ocean, on a white sand beach. I'd be having my entire body bathed and caressed by the oceanic waves, in the warmth of the sun all day long. I could feel the sun on my outer shells getting reflected back to the sky, keeping me warm and cozy. I'm at peace with myself, receiving the love from the sun, the ocean, and the sand beneath my body. I'd be watching the waves going over my head and feeling their energy as some of them carry me away to different parts of the world. Inside of me, I have a treasure, a beautiful gemstone, a lovely pearl. This is a hidden part of me waiting to be discovered, it's the manifestation of all the outer elements in my world condensed and shaped to become this precious pearl. I've given it my Soul and it has become my inner essence. As I wait, evolve, and am discovered to higher levels of consciousness, my outer EGOic shell is broken in pieces, the pearl of my heart becomes a gift to lovers of life. I turn into a jewel, become a gift, a sign of appreciation, love, kindness, and pure joy. I am eternal. I am an eternal pearl, a gem , living in infinity and shining my brilliant light by giving hope, in the darkness and shadows of broken hearts. I am an admirable pearl. I value my worth and cherish my authenticity. I am , God Is......Namaste.. +1...Dr. Rod..
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I value my worth and respect my authenticity. My life is Divine. I am whole, perfect, and complete. I am healed. I intend to heal and be healed. Joy is the order of my day. I am available to more abundance, success, prosperity, and peace than I've ever imagined possible. Come what may. All of my needs are met in this second. ".
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I value my worth and respect my authenticity. My life is Divine. I am whole, perfect, and complete. I am healed. I intend to heal and be healed. Joy is the order of my day. I am available to more abundance, success, prosperity, and peace than I've ever imagined possible. Come what may. All of my needs are met in this second. ".
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Let it Be
In the midst of chaos, open up to the space where you are vulnerable to a new experience. A new experience stems from an original thought. This thought has to be cultivated from the depth of your Soul. You can activate it by diving in your heart and start practicing meditation. A sponsoring, creative thought is only yours. It's not corrupted by the negative energy of what others want or expect from you. There's no judgment in it. It is free from fear. Fear of self destruction, criticism, and proving yourself for nothing, to no-one. Once you have caught this thought, practice affirming it in your present state of Being. As an affirmative optimist, you can hold a higher vibration to chose an action that is in harmony with Good. Thus, changing your Reality and Life. If you are feeling stuck where you are, don't resist it, don't give up, seek to change your sponsoring thought in order to manifest that which your Soul is yearning to BE, Do, then finally Have as an experience! +1 Namaste.....Dr. Rod...
Affirmation: "I forgive and let go, I let go and let God. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher Good. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, health, wealth, happiness, love, joy, peace, prosperity, and healing than I've ever imagined possible. I walk with full on vigor and passion in my heart manifesting my Soul's desire in every moment, with each breath in and out. My life is Divine. In this divinity I chose to Be, Do, and Have it ALL. Life supports me. I live in a friendly Universe and just allow it to BE. And so it is,,,Amen...."
Affirmation: "I forgive and let go, I let go and let God. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher Good. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, health, wealth, happiness, love, joy, peace, prosperity, and healing than I've ever imagined possible. I walk with full on vigor and passion in my heart manifesting my Soul's desire in every moment, with each breath in and out. My life is Divine. In this divinity I chose to Be, Do, and Have it ALL. Life supports me. I live in a friendly Universe and just allow it to BE. And so it is,,,Amen...."
Friday, October 17, 2014
Staying in Integrity
You and only you know when you fall out of integrity with your Soul. This happens through sense of lack, scarcity, not being honest, and trying to manipulate yourself into being someone you are not. Pretending will not get you anywhere. Neither does jealousy or envy which is so rampant in our society. I'm not just talking to you, I'm talking to myself. Everything I'm mentioning operates through my own EGO as well. If you think that you never judge, think again. If you think that you never lie to yourself to get your way and get ahead in a game that you think you are a winner, think again. If this is getting you to think deeper about yourself and the times you thought you are being authentic, yet you were not, I'm glad. Because now, you are expanding your awareness and putting things in perspective. If you've ever felt guilty about something you did and your heart began to warn you, listen to it. The heart doesn't lie. It's your only way into higher energies of love, peace, compassion, and authenticity that will support you out of integrity. Don't pretend when you fall down as if nothing happened. The moment you have enough courage to be honest to yourself and accept your faults, you will change! Otherwise, you'll keep on hitting closed doors and carry on with the guilt. Your only way out is going IN....Namaste...+1 Dr. Rod
Affirmation: "I am grateful and thankful for all the blessings in my life"....have a beautiful day
Affirmation: "I am grateful and thankful for all the blessings in my life"....have a beautiful day
Thursday, October 16, 2014
What Is, What Is Not
Start owning those aspect of you that seems to be distasteful, ugly, or very painful. What you deny, you declare. When you declare something, could be whatever it is, you'll create it. So, if you want to heal yourself through the lower negative thoughts of yourself, don't deny it baby, just own it. Recognize it for what it is. Then, recognize What IS over what it is. What Is, is the absolute Truth of you which is a perfect Being of light and love. To get to What IS, you got to let go of What it is you think you are that doesn't serve you anymore. This is what I mean by owning it up. Don't judge yourself. Accept yourself for what it is and stop making up stories that paint a different picture of who you really are. There are times that we become extremely vulnerable and confused, maybe right now this is one of those moments you are experiencing or you know someone who is experiencing it. I'm here to give you the Good news. The Good news is that you are All that Is, and All that Is NOT.....Start opening your heart and take a deeper look at your Self. Embrace all aspects of you. I know you are smiling right now. Here is another GREAT NEWS. I just became a very proud uncle again to my new born nephew 2 hours ago. I am extremely grateful for this beautiful gift. What Is, is miracles all around us. What Is NOT, is the eternal source of what Is......Namaste +1 c -2......Dr. Rod...
Affirmation: "I am available and receptive to more miracles in every area of my life. I am living, moving, and having my being in total abundance. Joy is the order of my day. I am grateful and thankful for being an agent for transformation. I live in bliss and peace. Prosperity knocks on my door today. I share my gifts freely with the world and inspire in total freedom of my own choice. "....and so it is,,,Amen.
Affirmation: "I am available and receptive to more miracles in every area of my life. I am living, moving, and having my being in total abundance. Joy is the order of my day. I am grateful and thankful for being an agent for transformation. I live in bliss and peace. Prosperity knocks on my door today. I share my gifts freely with the world and inspire in total freedom of my own choice. "....and so it is,,,Amen.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
The Return Movement
Living in fear is the same as being dead while you are alive. Unfortunately, this phenomenon can happen to any caring individual who hears a sudden bad news. Specially if they hear that they have terminal dis-ease. Our society emphasizes so much on this concept of 'terminal'. Doctors deliver a 'dead end' news based on research, numbers, and statistics of prognostic factors regarding an illness which many times wont turn out to become REALITY. For a Soul that is very attached to this material world, there is a major shift in their state of being. They go through a shock, recognizing everything as finite and their return movement back to their origin becomes extremely difficult to understand. For the people surrounding these individuals, it becomes enormously challenging to deal with this concept. 'LOSS' in our culture is extremely heavy. To the point that we get into fight with God, judging it as an unjust, unfair, or finding ourselves in conflict with natural order of life itself. These are understandable given the degree of your faith, depth of understanding of your purpose in life, and knowing your divine Self as a Spiritual being having a temporary human incarnation. When someone is going though their process of accepting their terminal illness, be patient with them. Also know that many cases can reverse and many dis-eases are healed. What happens first is that they become absolutely hopeless and helpless. They become vulnerable as they were when they decided to come to this world and experience life as a baby. The return movement back to our origin is not fearful. It's a natural process of life. We don't loose anything, because we are infinite beings of light. We are one with God and life itself. The creative mind behind the creation of our universe can not be terminal, it's always expansive and expressing in infinite forms. You are the perfect image and reflection of that creation. There is form, formless, and what's beyond the formless form which is who you are. Let Go of the Fear and for those who are in a situation dealing with someone who is experiencing their divine return, 'HAVE TOTAL COMPASSION FOR YOUR LOVED ONES'. They will come in term with their own journey once they see beyond their fear. Your Soul knows when to bring in that awareness as you feel the love, peace, joy, beauty, and the perfection of this process by evolving through your unique path. Be patient, be loving, and give hope to your loved ones by focusing their attention in the present moment and re-connecting them back to their infinite nature, which is absolute LOVE......Namaste.....+1, +2.....Dr. Rod...
Affirmation: "I am one with God, one with Life, one with my Divine Destiny. Fear dissolves in the light of Faith, Compassion and love are the protectors of my Soul. I am living, moving, and having my being in joy. I am available to more good than I can ever imagine possible. Miracles show up in my life and the life of my loved ones. I hold the space of healing for everyone, with pure intention and care. I forgive and let Go, I let Go and let God. With absolute gratitude and appreciation I release these words into eternity and just let it be. And so it is.....Amen..."..
Affirmation: "I am one with God, one with Life, one with my Divine Destiny. Fear dissolves in the light of Faith, Compassion and love are the protectors of my Soul. I am living, moving, and having my being in joy. I am available to more good than I can ever imagine possible. Miracles show up in my life and the life of my loved ones. I hold the space of healing for everyone, with pure intention and care. I forgive and let Go, I let Go and let God. With absolute gratitude and appreciation I release these words into eternity and just let it be. And so it is.....Amen..."..
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Paradoxical Excellence
Hey, What's up? You want to increase the quality of your life dramatically? I know you do because I do as well. Hear me out. Focus on the little, simple things. Give each little moment of your present condition your 110% attention. It seems difficult, I know, but the easy is born in the difficult and the difficult is born in the easy. Paradoxical right? We live in a paradoxical universe. Each moment is teaching you an immense lesson about yourself because there's nothing else but You and your perception of it. Relax, breath, be present to the message you are picking up. It's setting you up for excellence. Give every segment of your life the best you know how and move in the direction of excellence. As you set your intention towards the path of recognizing the amazing BEING you are, you'll discover more peace, more joy, more prosperity, and more love internally then manifested externally. You'll only find them in the little, simple things. Take a breath, right there, you were just present to this breath and you gave it your 110% attention with an intention to be present to the origin of that breath. Its connection between your physical aspect of you and your meta-physical, energy body contained in an infinite field of quantum particles, showing up as patterns of beauty in your life. Was that easy? Yes,,,,can you carry your attention to each moment and stay in gratitude for your existence as a being of love who is here on purpose with a purpose? that's also YES! Today, you are set up in your vision's YES factor. So, do we have an agreement????? +1 Namaste....Dr. Rod..
Affirmation: "I am love. My life is divine. I am receptive to excellence, beauty, abundance, healing, miracles, and peace in every are of my life. I trust the universe by trusting myself"..
Affirmation: "I am love. My life is divine. I am receptive to excellence, beauty, abundance, healing, miracles, and peace in every are of my life. I trust the universe by trusting myself"..
Monday, October 13, 2014
Nowhere to BE
Communicate your misunderstanding about yourself, to yourself. So many times you don't know why you are feeling a certain way or you start judging the world around you based on your limited perception. This creates problems in you. You'll end up having doubts, fear, and anxiety about what may happen. In a space of total surrender and yielding to what Is, you get to Know your Self as the sole determining factor to whom you are responsible to. You are the only factor on deciding which way to navigate your life towards, which thoughts to chose from, and how to open yourself up for ways to get you to your destiny. The word 'yielding' is very powerful. It means to bypass your Ego and connect to the Spirit as you see yourself in others through the mind of the universe. Life is not a race. There is nowhere to be, or no-thing to do other than being in the now, being more of who you are. Recognize what you are creating in this moment, who's life your are effecting, and what possibilities you are creating in alignment of the path you chose with each breath in and out.
My prayer for you is to be at peace and become an agent of peace in the world.....Namaste....+1 Dr. Rod.
Affirmation: I send love and compassion to my misunderstandings about life. I can see clearly now, hear with the ears beyond the ears, and sense my oneness with the universe. I am in flow with the beat of everlasting love of God's heart. With each breath, I go within and become more of my authentic Self. I am living, moving, and having my being in presence of love. I am in flow with infinite abundance, unlimited prosperity, and pure joy. I am happy, I am peaceful, and I am grateful. Healing is the order of my day.".
My prayer for you is to be at peace and become an agent of peace in the world.....Namaste....+1 Dr. Rod.
Affirmation: I send love and compassion to my misunderstandings about life. I can see clearly now, hear with the ears beyond the ears, and sense my oneness with the universe. I am in flow with the beat of everlasting love of God's heart. With each breath, I go within and become more of my authentic Self. I am living, moving, and having my being in presence of love. I am in flow with infinite abundance, unlimited prosperity, and pure joy. I am happy, I am peaceful, and I am grateful. Healing is the order of my day.".
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Orderly Disorder
There is order in the seeming disorder of the universe. It's all perfect and in this perfection you are becoming more aware of who you are, where you are, and what your purpose in life is. Have you ever looked at how the DNA molecule looks like? If not, please google it up after reading this. Look at it's helical pattern and formation. Observe the base pairings among the molecules, carbon atoms, sugars, and other molecules so delicately interwoven together, meeting up at exact location in time and space. You can observe this as a perfectly orderly disorder. Your body is intricately composed of 100 trillion or more of these orderly disorder unique beings which carry light in between the vibration of the atoms within them. What you call 'YOU' is the sum of the individual parts of a WHOLE. As you keep reading, your consciousness starts stretching for now you are in united field of oneness. The whole being made of the individual parts is God's expression through your face of divinity which is becoming aware of it's own. As you look at the disorderly sky in the middle of the night, look at the trillion of stars shining their light back at your gaze. Through you, God is experiencing it's own Self. Through your Soul, you are feeling what it feels like to catch the order of what seem to be disorder. Your life is perfectly in order if you look at it from outside the disorder of the thoughts that fragment you into separation. You have the capacity to carry this consciousness everywhere you go with you. You have what's called an INSPIRED energy for LIFE, the manifestation of what wants to freely get expressed through you. Ge in tune with it and be the orderly disordered being of LOVE you are in every moment of your life......Take a deep breath......Hold it........Release a sound of JOY.......Namaste....+1, c-4 Dr. Rod....
Affirmation: I am the perfect manifestation of all that there is, the mind of God. I am the Truth, the microcosm part of the macrocosm. I am love in action, living, moving, and having my being in harmony. Life supports me in the creation and expression of my Soul's desires. Abundance and prosperity are the order of my day. Kindness shines in grace through the DNA molecules of my cells and radiate its light to transform darkness into consciousness. I Am peace, I am compassion, and I am pure Bliss...".
Affirmation: I am the perfect manifestation of all that there is, the mind of God. I am the Truth, the microcosm part of the macrocosm. I am love in action, living, moving, and having my being in harmony. Life supports me in the creation and expression of my Soul's desires. Abundance and prosperity are the order of my day. Kindness shines in grace through the DNA molecules of my cells and radiate its light to transform darkness into consciousness. I Am peace, I am compassion, and I am pure Bliss...".
Friday, October 10, 2014
Golden Light Transformation
This is an invitation for an instant transformation. My intention is to right here right now transmute your thought from a lower level of energy to higher. If you are up for this, just take a deep breath and read on. As you take another breath, hold it for as long as you can, you may want to re-read this piece again. Hold your breath at the point of you base chakra, which is the bottom of your vertebral column. Imagine a beautiful golden light energy flowing down the path of your spine, ending right where your lower back is. In its highest form of concentration, it'll start radiating down both legs and out through your feet into the ground. Take another breath, hold it, and concentrate in at your base chakra again. Imagine the same golden light now shining out in a halo effect through out your entire body. As it rises up, to the point of your first eye chakra, between your eyebrows, it''ll start transmuting thoughts of worry, fear, and lack into peace, love, and abundance. With each breath, worry, fear, and lack start dissolving into peace love, and abundance. Your inner transformation from a dense form illuminates into a God giving light of joy, liberation, harmony, compassion, and beauty. Start feeling your Real Self communicating as you reading on and feeling the authenticity of your Soul vibrating in between every cell of your body. Each breath will elevate your awareness to more openness, more realization, more Truth, more creativity, and more harmony. You start standing tall, standing confident with full on vigor, knowing your purpose in this very moment. Which is? Realizing your strength, gaining hope, connecting to Faith, and rising up in individual consciousness which will effect the collective consciousness. We are all connected and are all ONE BEING of love. Our true essence is to Realize and expand this into eternity. Your experience of going through this writing has aligned you in this field of consciousness and anchored heaven on earth into eternity, beyond time, beyond space. Remain open and receptive for a miracle happening in your life today and extend a helping hand to someone that needs your help. God bless you.....Namaste.....+1,C-4.....-Dr. Rod..
Affirmation: "I Am that, I Am. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I am available and receptive to more Good than I can possibly imagine. Miracles show up in every area of my life. Healing is the order of my day. Abundance and kindness flow through my life with ease and grace. I am JOY manifested. ".
Affirmation: "I Am that, I Am. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I am available and receptive to more Good than I can possibly imagine. Miracles show up in every area of my life. Healing is the order of my day. Abundance and kindness flow through my life with ease and grace. I am JOY manifested. ".
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Respect Women
To me, respecting women of the world takes the most important position if we want to move towards healing the world. Why? Because women are the creators, nurtures, and the closest beings connected to the concept of ONENESS. They are the ones that actually feel what it feels like to be one with another human being inside their womb for 9 month. They know what it takes to take care of their children, unconditionally love, and protect them. The sense of separation which is the root of all of our challenges today does not exist in a woman's heart towards her child. This we take for granted and don't pay too much attention. We don't give our mothers the respect they deserve and our wives, sisters, daughters the unconditional love they must experience in order to feel the wholeness within them. The yan energy ultimately likes to separate, create doubt, induce fear, and compete with other males in order to subjugate the nourishing, loving, yin energy. It's an imbalance that has created the wars of our society, the neglect and struggles between nations. It's time to re-cognize the true power of nature which is beautifully demonstrated in women as they give birth to life from the deepest places within their heart. That love carries over regardless if the child deserts his/or her mom. I've experienced it with my own mom and sisters. No matter what the kids do, we always have the safety net to go back to an open arm. It amazes me how patient and compassionate woman are when it comes to their children. I respect that and adore this quality as many men lack. Something to think about and hold sacred. If you want to heal the world, think as if you are separate from NOTHING. Remember women and their fetuses in their womb, the sense of ONENESS that we all came from. Cherish it, respect it, and see how our outer world changes as we change our inner world. Respect mother earth today. Simple, yet very sophisticated and beautiful.....As you are ! Namaste.....Dr. Rod....+1, c -1
"I love and respect the creator God of love. I cherish and take a stand to be the protector of peace, the agent of compassion, and the lover of life. I am living, moving, and having my being in beauty. I am available and receptive to more abundance and prosperity than I've ever imagine. Healing is a thought away. Creativity is my name and nature. I am grateful for my existence and thankful to be alive for just another day. And so it is,,,Amen.."
"I love and respect the creator God of love. I cherish and take a stand to be the protector of peace, the agent of compassion, and the lover of life. I am living, moving, and having my being in beauty. I am available and receptive to more abundance and prosperity than I've ever imagine. Healing is a thought away. Creativity is my name and nature. I am grateful for my existence and thankful to be alive for just another day. And so it is,,,Amen.."
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
The future
We don't know what the future holds, but we do know what holds the future. The presence of God holds the future. Stay optimistic and full of love. I am about to meditate here and send out Reiki. Open your heart. Blessings on your way. Please do one act of random kindness for someone today.
Affirmation: all of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. I am living, moving, and having my being in prosperity and peace. The universe supports me. Kindness and compassion express through my thoughts, words, and deeds today. +1, c-4 have a beautifully day
Affirmation: all of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. I am living, moving, and having my being in prosperity and peace. The universe supports me. Kindness and compassion express through my thoughts, words, and deeds today. +1, c-4 have a beautifully day
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Broken Relationships
Let go of broken relationships and create space for the new to come in your life. For personal life coaching and spiritual healing contact me. Sending you tons of love -Dr Rod. +1, c-4
Monday, October 6, 2014
Digging inside
Rather than blaming others, focus on understanding yourself. There is an immense wisdom within you that requires your discovery only if you intend to go in that direction. Don't get distracted by people and circumstances around you. You can change your perception about the world outside as you dig into the world inside. The Reality of your own Being is the measure of your awareness to the thoughts you think. Today, make a pact to start loving yourself and gently caressing your Soul, so it starts guiding you through the turbulence of the craziness of the world. Namaste....c -4.....+1..
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my Being in presence of God. My life is divine. I intend to attract abundance, success, health, wealth, happiness, love , joy, compassion, and peace into my life because that's Who I Am. I am available and receptive to more miracles showing up in every area of my life. I forgive and let go of my past. I am inspired to live a purposeful life with passion with an intention to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I am love. I am peace. I am harmonizing prosperity in action. ".
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my Being in presence of God. My life is divine. I intend to attract abundance, success, health, wealth, happiness, love , joy, compassion, and peace into my life because that's Who I Am. I am available and receptive to more miracles showing up in every area of my life. I forgive and let go of my past. I am inspired to live a purposeful life with passion with an intention to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I am love. I am peace. I am harmonizing prosperity in action. ".
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Self expression
How many times during the day do you catch yourself suppressing your expression? So many times you want to say out loud what's in your heart to people around yet you inhibit yourself from Self expression. These are the moments you have to watch out for and allow what's in your heart to express in a way that can create a field of learning, understanding, warning, or forming a boundary for yourself and others. Practice being in alignment with what your body, mind, and Soul desires at each given moment in order to become in FLOW with the universal Source energy. There are times that your body desires something, your mind something else, and your Soul directing both in a different direction. To make course correction is to fall into integrity with all three aspect of your Being, then following your pure expression into Becoming. From being into becoming is the process of Self creation. As you progress into mastery, you'll notice the alignment between all aspects of you and you'll be free from judgment towards yourself or from others. This liberation allows you to be more centered in the choices you make for uplifting the collective consciousness. You are walking in this direction. Breath in my friend. Allow yourself to be in Flow of things by letting go of resistance. Trust and Allow...this is the only game in town and you are in alignment with it......Namaste.
Affirmation: "I am in constant creative flow of Self Expression. My expression stems from love, peace, harmony, and joy. I allow myself to Be in the moment. I am one with the presence of the All Good which expresses from my Soul. Joy is the order of my day. Prosperity and kindness find their expression through the dance of my body and mind. I am abundant, I am healthy, I am wealthy, I am cause onto my owns life's experience. I trust the universe and allow it to guide me, now. "..
Affirmation: "I am in constant creative flow of Self Expression. My expression stems from love, peace, harmony, and joy. I allow myself to Be in the moment. I am one with the presence of the All Good which expresses from my Soul. Joy is the order of my day. Prosperity and kindness find their expression through the dance of my body and mind. I am abundant, I am healthy, I am wealthy, I am cause onto my owns life's experience. I trust the universe and allow it to guide me, now. "..
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