Saturday, February 2, 2013

Looking Within

     I've learned that everyone is traveling through this journey we call life in order to learn multiple lessons for themselves so that they can evolve and spiritually grow. I realize that the more I release any ATTACHMENTS and ALLOW people I love to BE themselves, the more I'm helping them and lifting their spirit. Stop controlling others and casting your own fears, doubts, worries on OTHERS. That's a cheap shot! I invite you to take A deep look within yourself, your thoughts, your actions, your feelings, and your intentions. YES, it's kind of scary if you've been running away from yourself. Have the COURAGE! Transformation & Healing starts with cleaning up OUR OWN MESS first! 
     I keep reminding myself about this on a consistent basis in order to keep myself connected and aware. The more I meditate, the more I can feel the distinction between my mind driven ego and my soul. It's so easy to fall of the path though. Specially when you get so emotional and see the people around you going through their life's challenges. Compassion is a key factor. Love & Compassion can diffuse those hidden feelings that come up and try to snatch your awareness....Try it! The next time your irritation surface up, remind yourself that you are a compassionate, loving being
      You are not your experiences, or the experiences you are being caught up with other people. Yes, it happens, you fall off. What's next? What do you do next?
Are you going to go into blame and shame, guilt, pulling fingers, or are you going to GROW from the process? See, life will test you to your limits until you learn the lessons you are here to experience and learn in order for your soul to take it's next stage into it's evolutionary consciousness. That's why you are here to do.
       Anything else is an illusion of the EGO....Take responsibility for it and help all of us clean up our poluted minds....The collective human consciousness right now NEEDS us to be aware and sensitive to OUR OWN mental DRAMAS. We can't add any more to what already is....JUST WATCH THE EVENING NEWS and you know what I'm talking about.
     So, I'm all in ....ARE YOU?? ,,,,,WILL YOU??,,,, As I'm writing this I'm holding the reader, YOU, in high vibration of love and compassion. I know you are GROWING through many challenges, issues, problems.. Why I know that, because I'm experiencing the SAME.....I have all the problems you have in my own little world.....However, I know one thing. I know that by raising my vibration and consciousness, not only I'm helping myself, but I'm helping you and everyone else you are connected to. See, we are all connected to someone and that someone is connected to someone else....Ultimately , we are all connected and mirror images of each other. So, Lets do this.....I hope this message finds you and shifts you in a positive you a lift, a boost in energy, inspires you to take constructive and positive actions for yourself first, then for people you love, then for others.....I love you :) 

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