Can you see the spider web in the picture here? You have to look very closely. Just like looking at your thoughts and looking at your life. Self reflection is a bliss. Specially when you don't judge your past and just observe it as it is. This is how healing happens. By Re-cognition, observation, transmutation, and elevation of your spirit to the Truth of you. I took this picture yesterday on my hike up the mountain. My eyes caught the beauty of these leaves hanging, the branches of the trees touching each other, and seeing the sprinkles of dew on the little spider web. It was breath taking. A pause in eternity. I saw the balance and harmony of nature having their beautiful dance in simplicity. Intricate web design. You see the veins in the leaves? I felt the molecules of oxygen passing through them as they were being released to me. I felt the givingness of the leaves as they vibrationally sent me their love through the oxygen release. This amazing web of life was talking to me. Sending me message from eternity. Inviting me to be part of their web design. Hanging as they did with no expectation. Free floating with the spirit of love. Allowing each other to Be in each other's presence. Supporting each other. Being in tune. Are you getting in tune right now? Is the words you reading touching you at a deeper level of understanding? Taking you back to your origin, inviting you to invite and ignite your life to the next level. Spiritual Realization is an act of grace. Once it happens to you, there is no point of return.You just ascend up the spiral and web of life, the universal code that is beating your heart now will support you on your journey. Step back, go within, see the clarity of your mind shining in silence. "Be still, and know that I Am God'.....This is what I felt from a glimpse as I described you. Namaste.....Dr. Rod...+1
Affirmation: " I am love manifested, peace in vibration, and joy in action. All of my needs are met in this very moment. I live in a friendly universe that totally supports me. I am beautiful and wonderful. I am compassionate and kind. I am healthy and wealthy. I am open and receptive to the miracles of life to use me as a portal for expression. I am abundant. I am prosperous and happy. I dance through life freely, fully, and en-joy the web design as I design it with full vigor. My life is divine. For this, I am thankful, grateful, and appreciative. I Am,,,,God is,,,,and so it is,,,,amen"....have a beautiful weekend
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