Monday, February 16, 2015

I SEE you

I want you to See yourself, see me, Seeing you. You probably wonder what I'm talking about. There are two ways you walk through the world and actually see things. One, you are looking as if what you see with your eyes is the only world that exists. You look, rather than actually see. The second, is to See the invisible, the infinite, and the eternal beyond what your senses can pick up. The invisible world is indivisible from your true nature. It's who you are one and your constant connection to it is the source of your inner peace and happiness. As you are reading this further, see yourself fully available and receptive to miracles showing up in your life. See the energy being transferred through these words awakening your consciousness and allowing healing of the body/mind/Soul to happen in this instance. Look beyond what your mind has been programmed to see and hear the inaudible that is echoing in your heart. The heart can See with a clear perception and show you a Reality without what the mind can conceive. Take a deep breath and See yourself as Wonderful, full of Wonder. As beautiful, full of Beauty, and as powerful, full of POWER. This is spiritual power you are being invited to experience and break the habitual looking at your life from fearful perspective. You are being uplifted and held in the energy of unconditional love. See it, hear it, and allow it to take over your life......Namaste...Dr. Rod +1

Affirmation: "I see you as God see's you. I am living, moving, and having my being in love. My life is divine. I am infinite and eternal. I am absolutely in flow with harmonizing good of the universe. I am available and receptive to more abundance, health, wealth, joy, and peace than I've ever manifested, experienced, or seen before. I see beauty everywhere. I see with my eyes beyond the eyes. I see with clear awareness and I allow it to be....and so it is,,,amen"...have a spectacular day everyone....I SEE YOU.

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