Monday, February 23, 2015

The land of I AM

Good morning life. Come a little closer to the land of "I AM". What is your I am today? For me, I am working on being "I AM Compassionate". Compassion is understanding the lack of understanding. There is a lot of lack consciousness going around globally and I am committed to shine my light into the darkness in order to bring about more understanding. This begins with myself. I read this sentence and meditated on it. Check this out : "How do I know the ways of all things at the beginning ? I look inside myself and see what is within me."....Within us is a wealth of understanding and compassionate energy waiting to be released as we align ourselves to it. Today, take on this energy and walk with your back straight, shoulders relaxed, a smile on your face, and your heart chakra widely open. My intention is to channel more of this compassionate energy world wide as it is exuding through me right now, to your eyes, being process by your cerebral cortex and translated by your Soul. As your Soul is translating this energy, it is sending signal to your heart, making every beat of it emanating compassionate and loving energy into the magnetic field of our planet earth. Yes, it works like this. These waves of energy will become particles as they become thoughts in your consciousness. Allow yourself to be the portal of manifestation for the rest of this week for compassion and love energy overflowing from your higher Self into the world. I appreciate you playing along with me on this journey. Thus, sending you all of my blessing, today, everyday, forever my friend.....Namaste.....Dr. Rod...+1 "I Am Compassion"

Affirmation: "I am love and compassion in action. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. All of my needs are met in this very moment. I am aligned with the universal Truth of peace and act as a generative being to expand on this consciousness. I am available for more abundance and healing than I've ever manifested before. My heart is widely open to receive guidance from my Soul. I am connected. I am clear. I am on purpose and have a mission to manifest my vision. My life is divine. I am blessed and a blessing to the world. I am grateful and appreciative for NOTHING that is manifesting as every single miracles in my life. I am ....God IS,,,,and so it is,,,amen"..

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