Just came of out of a deep meditation contemplating this: The idea of 'needing what you don't have and chasing after it your entire life in order to be happy is pretty much called insanity. I've done and do it sometimes. I'm sure you've been caught in this thought process where you think happiness is somewhere outside of you. If I get this I'll be happy. If I sleep with this person I'll be happy. If I visit this place in the world I will be happy. Or, If I make this much money I'll be happy. Well, how many times you got what you wanted and felt that it 'aint' it? You know what I'm saying. So, what does this leave us? Should we slash our wrist and become hopeless? I hope not! I'm on the path of letting go of striving and letting go of my needs. I don't mind having the toys, the experience of material achievement, and being in the game. However, I'm letting go of my 'need' to do these things in order to be happy. I'm happy just for the sake of my own being. Its starts right here. I meditate and write and spill my guts out to thousands of people. Some, I don't even know, some are my dearest friends and know me deeply. What you see is what you get and what you hear has an intention to wake you up to the Truth of 'your' own Being. Let go of striving and know that in each present moment you have 'arrived'. Whatever blessings are in your life, take note of them. As you go through them one by one, realize that the happiness you are searching for is found in the moment you let go of the need to be happy. Allow life to do it's dance through you as an instrument and then watch how you crack yourself up for being in the center of your drama, yet not being attached to any of them. Peace is found in that second that you laugh at how crazy this whole thing is and how you are a part of it all, but not really in any control of it at ALL.......God bless you my friend. Save your free moments to do NOTHING from now on and laugh it away.....Namaste....Dr. Rod +1
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. All of my needs are met. Happiness is part of my being. I reside within and know that I am one with it. I am available to infinite blessings to show up out of No-Thing and manifest into miracles in every area of my life. I am blessed and a blessing to the world. I am joy. I am peace. I am compassionate, and kind. I dance through life without striving, always knowing that I've arrived all along the way. For this, I am grateful and thankful. I allow it to just BE, and so it is ,,,,amen".
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