Thursday, February 19, 2015

Lead by example

"Instead of believing that you know what's best for others, trust that they know what's best for themselves"....Tao te Ching.....Leading by example. That's all it's about. Don't worry about others, what they are doing, and how they are conducting their lives. Speak less, listen more. Don't give advice or prescription of what is best for others. The only person you have responsibility towards is your Self. Figure that out. It's enough for an entire life time to be able to figure ourselves out. By the time you get a glimpse of your potential and insights of what you are here to do, it's time to depart my friend. Therefore, keep it inside. go within, and lead by example. The only way I've figured it out is by giving unconditional love to mySelf and then radiate that love to others. That's pretty much it. Even when I'm helping others, I set an intention before each session knowing that the person I'm helping will get their own answer to what is best for them. I allow the spirit to pass through me and give them whatever message they need to hear and then decide for their own what's best for them. It's a process of remembering. To re-member what is already embodied in your own heart, and your own Soul. It's very challenging to have this awareness and practice it. I fall, yes, I do. Just like you and every other human being. I fall off of my course. But then, I pick up the pieces, re-member the broken members and once again find myself WHOLE again. Why? because that's our inner Truth. Here is the news for you: This process continues into infinity and it's eternal. Pick up the broken pieces and know you are Whole, Perfect, and Complete already. It's a new day, new moment, and a new beginning.....Namaste....Dr. Rod +1

Affirmation: "I am an eternal being of light. I am living, moving , and having my being in love. All of my needs are met. I am overflow with abundance, walk into infinite possibilities with every breath I take. I am joy, I am peace, I am absolute creativity. My life is aligned with the only life that exist, the life of God. I am blessed and a blessing to the world. I give away all of my blessings and talents in every moment. I am available for more prosperity, healing, wealth, and success than I've ever manifested before. I am, God Is, Life"....and so it is,

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