Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Follow your Vision in a sacred Mission

"Aim for the moon, and if your miss, you will land among the stars"....I like this statement. I was contemplating it in meditation. How often do you set a goal or have a vision and you end up totally being discouraged by others? How many times you've found yourself giving up in dreams you had and you've made other peoples dreams your own reality? It happens to the best of us until you wake up one morning (right now) and say: This is it. I'm going for it. I am trusting myself and going for my dream. I intend to create and manifest that which is bestowed upon my Soul and is trying to express through me, as me, as my life, as my words, as my actions. Yaaaaaah, I'm telling you. But, check this out! Through out your journey, you'll encounter rough winds. Criticism and judgment from outside. If you are unable to bend or be pliable, it will break your back. If you are unable to be flexible and bend to the currents, the nay sayers and dream killers will snatch your inspiration and feed you their mental garbage. So, it's up to you to stand tall and stand guard at the door of your mind. Don't allow negativity to come inside your palace. Paradise is within your heart an your Soul is the gatekeeper. Your vision is the driving force to flow in between the resistances of the world, the challenges you face from dangerous people who have no dream, who are willing to control your life and steal your energy just to make themselves look good. Don't fall for it my friend. Don't fall for it.........You've got everything you need!!! Everything.....Namaste....Dr. Rod...+1

Affirmation: "I have a vision of love, peace, prosperity, joy, happiness, healing, and compassion for my life and the life of others. I am living, moving, and having my being in my vision and my mission is to express it in every moment. I am abundant, I am successful, I am peaceful, and I am full of love. My life is a direct expression of my dream manifested through my thoughts, words, and action. I am living in bliss and generate infinite possibilities to express myself. I am giving and sharing in the creative force of my Soul. I cherish it. I hold it sacred, and I allow it to BE....and so it is, amen..."


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